Verfilmung eines Gedichtes?

Hallo, im Deutschunterricht haben wir die Aufgabe bekommen, dass Gedicht „ Winterlied“ von Ulla Hahn zu Analysieren, Interpretieren und abschließend zu verfilmen. Doch unserer Gruppe fallen keine guten Ideen, zu einer kreativen Wiedergabe des Gedichtes ein ohne es wortwörtlich wiederzugeben. Aus diesem Grund wollte ich fragen, ob einer von euch möglicherweise dazu eine Idee hat, dieses Gedicht zu verfilmen? Lg

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2 years ago

With data such as snow, head or Headaches, cold, eyes with tears, crying, night, you can start a picture.

You have to think about how to visualize these aspects.

You could, for example, make a short film with self-painted posters, which are held in series into the camera, while a spokesman is telling the poem (you can also play the poem afterwards as an audio, possibly in combination with music).

Alternatively, a single person went as an actor who depicts the emotions from the poem with gestures, mimics and posture and also pantomimically the act of the poem, while someone else introduces the poem.