Verfärbte Brust?
Kann sich die Brustwarze wenn man maximal 3 Wochen schwanger ist schon braun verfärben habe so einen braunen Ring um meine Brust und habe Angst das ich schwanger bin der ist dort aber schon seit Wochen also in der Theorie so paar Tage nach meinem letzten Mal Sex
After a few days, no hormonal hormones are formed yet
5-10 days after fertilization the egg needs to be administered
After that, the hormonal starts to form, but also here it takes something
From when can such a circle come because this week should actually get my days and have a little fear
It is said that the pregnancy test can only be carried out for 19 days in intercourse or in the absence of the period
Would you like to tap around
So if the circle came a few days later, it’s not from
With me, there was a lot of discoloration much later, only as from 4 months
Wait till day where period should begin and make the test
I’m just worried because on the Internet sometimes there’s only 2. Trimester and sometimes it’s one of the first signs
The circle is new is brown around so lightly tacky once around
Well, if there’d be a maximum of 4 weeks, that’s not coming or?