Verfahren eingestellt?

Ein Freund trinkt nie Alkohol wenn er Auto fährt!
Zum Feierabendbier fährt er mit dem Fahrrad!
Nun war dort vor Wochen eine Geburtstagsfeier und er machte mit und blieb länger.
Gleich nach Verlassen des Lokals mit dem Fahrrad wurde er kontrolliert und hatte 1,9 Promille.
Nun kam bei ihm Post, dass das Verfahren eingestellt wurde!
Wieso wird so etwas eingestellt?
Muß er trotzdem eine MPU machen?

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2 years ago

It may have been set against conditions.

Whether an MPU or the like is arranged, the driver’s license point and not the StA decides.


2 years ago

It may have been set against conditions. There is no trial, no judicial procedure. He was good. Didn’t threaten anyone. Pays fine/ fine.

Sanctions from the driving authority run separately.

Greeting S.

2 years ago

In the case of such offences, criminal law, order law and administrative law must be considered independently.

The criminal prosecution was most likely terminated as no violation of §316 StGB could be detected.

Right of order does not intervene here, since §24a StVG only manages Forceto put vehicles under the control of alcohol.

Thus, if there is still the administrative right and this allows the driving licence to be withdrawn as well as the arrangement of an MPU.

For the MPU, the lack of prosecution becomes even a problem: if you are still able to carry a bicycle safely (sometimes §316 StGB would have been established), you must have developed an exceptionally high alcohol tolerance. The expert will therefore start to evaluate at least regular alcohol abuse.