Vererbung von Charakteristika wie “Gier” / genetisches Gedächtnis?
Angenommen eine Population ist weitesgehend von anderen Kulturen (wir reden von Menschen) abgeschlossen.
Eine negative Eigenschaft des Menschen ist die Gier nach Reichtum oder Macht.
Kann es sein, dass der Faktor “Gier”, welcher in Familien dann vorhanden ist und sich genau diese Familien behaupten über Generationen, dass diese Eigenschaft umso stärker in deren Nachkommen auftritt, sofern “Gier” von den Familienmitgliedern gelebt wird?
Just as a person’s willingness to risk is partly genetically conditioned, the degree of greed and the desire for power also plays a genetic role. Nonetheless, cultural influences must not be neglected, after all, humans also act in the sense of social expectation. This means that someone with a genetic disposition to greed and power would not automatically act according to the expectation if that contradicts the values of his environment to be excluded from fear if no personal advantage can be drawn out. The degree of adaptation of a person is rude when a disadvantage is feared. However, since in your example such behavior is not a disadvantage, but an advantage over others, and this behavior is somewhat previved by the family, it can be assumed that these patterns also manifest more strongly in the descendants.
A urge to greed and the longing for power is, however, not yet a guarantee that these people would eventually assert themselves. For in order to gain power, it needs one, a very good skill.
“An urge to greed and the longing for power is, however, not yet a guarantee that these people would eventually assert themselves.”
Yeah, that can be. Of course, this was fictitious because I wanted to tickle out if in my scenario you can really see this behavior of greed (being crunchy and accumulating more kneading, going over bodies, etc.) then really, as objectively as possible, at those candidates. Thank you.