Evaporation line or real?
I had sex a month ago and have been worried that I'm pregnant ever since. I'm on the pill but I was still scared, so I did a test which was also negative, but when I looked at it again a few hours later there was a strange second line on it (see picture). Two days later I did another one and that was also negative and also negative after the 10 minutes when you're supposed to look at it. After two hours there was another line (I used morning urine for both tests). My question now is: are these evaporation lines? Did I test too early?
Thanks in advance (left is the first test I did and right is the second)
They are clearly negative or can only be read within the first 10min – everything else then no longer counts.
PS: The bar tests of CB are absolute garbage because they constantly display these evaporation lines! From CB I can recommend the digital.
After the 10 minutes are around, the test is valid. Not after 2 hours.
” a few hours later” Find the mistake.
The test can be read only directly after the incubation period has expired. And only then.
Doesn’t anyone read any more instructions?
Of course I’ve read them, but when I was informed, it was very often on the Internet that they were still pregnant when the second stroke came only after the 10 minutes