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1 year ago

No, you don’t actually deserve it, you just get to the noodles. You can naturally dilute it if you want, but in the original it is not diluted.

1 year ago

To Tortelloni the pesto can be a little firmer. If you give it on noodles, e.g. ribbon noodles or spaghetti, it should be made more liquid with some oil. I take a good olive oil, but you can also take rapeseed oil. However, I make the pesto mostly liquid with a lot of oil rather (haves better), so that I no longer have to help.

1 year ago

Take some oil or even little cooking water of the tort line, then becomes creamier.

1 year ago

Pesto is not liquid, it is a mix of seasoned herbs, nuts and oil

If you like to have your pesto a bit more liquid, you can dilute it with a little olive oil.