Verdobenes hünchen Gekauft?
Ich war vor 30 min beim Supermarkt und habe ganz normal hünchen gekauft. Wollte mir das gerade zubereiten aber es wirkte recht blass. Was mir eher Sorgen bereitet ist ein komischer Geruch den ich schwierig beschreiben kann. Er ist aber unangenehm. Nicht richtig säuerlich aber auch nicht richtig süßlich… kennt jemand noch Methoden um herauszufinden ob es noch gut ist?
I wouldn’t spend a long time experimenting. Get in the garbage. A chicken must not smell sweet or sour!
It doesn’t smell sweet, nor he writes sour. Poultry often smells strange.
Wrong! it was called “not really sweet” and “not really acidic”. So actually somewhere in between.
You mean. The specific question refers to something else.
This is interpretation… Rather “either, nor “.
That look and the smell is normal. Don’t worry about it.
Well, I wouldn’t eat it anymore.
Poultry meat often smells strange to unpleasant. You don’t have to worry about it.
Never happened to me. But I also basically get it at the fresh tea and in organic quality.
the odour is normal you can eat while being heated anyway germs killed
Your mistrust is the best indicator.
Give it back if you’re not sure.
Best buy fresh at the counter.
Poultry often smells strange to unpleasant…