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1 year ago

Net content is difficult to judge. With tax class 3, he initially has little deductions – but under certain circumstances he may have to repay taxes at the end of the year.

If we take tax class 3, then 3500k net is about 5,000€ gross (which is very much). At 22€ per hour, this is 227h a month, i.e. 52h a week. Something’s wrong!

According to the Working Hours Act, a maximum of 48h is available for a 6-day week or 40h for a 5-day week. For a 5-day week and 22h hour wage, he should only come to a maximum of 3800€ gross.

In this respect, such a merit would only be explained by a lawful violation. Or he’s hiding something, e.g. allowances, etc.

1 year ago

As a “simplified” installer in a craftsmanship, this should be as good as impossible – insofar as black work is not in play. Even with master’s training, this is likely to be achieved only after a few decades in the profession under the best wage tax class. However, there can be exceptions and, for example, as a mechanic in the large-scale industry, this is also not quite unrealistic – only in craft enterprises, just anything but a usual wage.

Dultus, UserMod Light

Maybe. It just tells you the glass ball or an extract..

In the end, I don’t think it’s impossible. The work is there and the technicians are looking like stupid.

1 year ago

With surcharges and possible overtime as well as control group 3 this can be. But this bill is wrong. It has to be expected without extras and overtime. Only what’s on the pension is valid. And then this merit is not what he says.

1 year ago

It can be real. At present, this is possible without limits.

1 year ago

Be Jann. Yes

1 year ago

Well. Maybe.

but the question is, what remains of it? Are you self-employed and have expenses for the company of 2000€?

do you live in Munich where everything is more expensive?….you would logically earn more.