Verdienen Wirtschaftsprüfer viel Geld?
Hallo, ich bin interessiert an einem BWL Studium nach meinem bestandenen Abi und strebe momentan eine Karriere als Wirtschaftsprüfer an. Im Internet variieren die Gehaltsaussichten jedoch sehr stark, weshalb ich fragen wollte, ob und wie viel ein Wirtschaftsprüfer ungefähr verdient. Ich habe gelesen, dass das Einstiegsgehalt bei etwa 50.000 im Jahr liegen soll, allerdings berichteten andere Quellen von 70.000 bis teilweise 90.000 Einstiegsgehalt.
With BWL-Studium you are not yet a (official) auditor. However, if you have good performance, you can work in a consulting company with an auditor in the team and gain experience. Later, take the exam to the auditor to the chamber. Examined auditors in a consulting career quickly get over 100k€ annual salary and often lead teams from juniors/analysts/consultants.
Thanks for the helpful answer! Is it important as a prospective auditor to study at a renowned university or are very good grades in the BWL degree already sufficient?
A renowned university is not decisive. It is crucial to find a job where you can develop towards auditors. The “big” are PwC, EY, Roland Berger… such companies naturally prefer prestigious universities, but above all very good grades and performance.
There are some small mistakes. RolandBerger is not an audit firm. A station in a consulting company has virtually no advantage for the development to the WP.
The university is now of absolutely subordinate role. In the meantime, grades are more secondary. We regularly introduce people with 3.0 and worse.
As far as salary is concerned, you’re basically right. As a junior, you get somewhere around the 45K-50K. PLus/Minus 5K. In the course of the years, this will then take place 60 K-65 K. ALs WP, starting with 70 K plus tantieme. after 3-5 years as WP, 100 K are not a topic. As a partner, it starts from 150 K. Open End.
All right, thank you.