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Thomas Richter
6 months ago

As a rule, psychotherapists earn less than doctors, because their capacities, what they can do and calculate, are regulated and limited per patient. As there are doctors easier, the more patients who get the more money they get (at least in the abandoned area). In psychotherapists, the individual units are already limited in time only.

A doctor who goes through 100 patients every day in 10 hours deserves significantly more than a psychotherapist who does his 60min therapy for 10 hours per patient. That would be 10 patients a day without breaks, without documentation time.

This doesn’t matter in the clinical field, as they get solid content plus if necessary. Shift supplements for doctors. There is not paid after the number of patients, but after the time present (depending on the contract).

Thomas Richter
6 months ago
Reply to  Himbeere722

ah, right, yeah. In fact, the answer also applies, depending on how much medical services and how much psychotherapeutic services it is taking. You still get the same sentence from the health insurance companies, depending on what he does.