Verdiene aktuell, inklusive Home Office Nebenjob, ca. 3300 Euro. Ist das gut?

Bin Anfang 40, habe abbezahlten zwei Jahre alten Wagen, fast abbezahlte Eigentumswohnung, lebe allein, habe einen Hund, Job ist 8 km entfernt.

Verdiene aktuell, insgesamt mit zwei recht coolen Jobs 3300 netto.

Dennoch bin ich irgendwie unzufrieden und fühle mich unterfordert. Überlege es, mich selbständig zu machen. Könnte dann, so wie ich alles ausgerechnet habe, direkt ca 16.000 monatsumsatz machen und muss davon natürlich alles selber finanzieren.

Irgendwas muss sich ändern. Habe ja auch noch Zeit. Wollte generell mal nach eurer Meinung fragen.


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10 months ago

Your happiness is that you have your own apartment, your own car (both almost paid off) and no children. If you hadn’t, even 3,3k Euro net today would be far too little.

I would advise you at least in DE/AT/CH because there are too many obstacles, dangers and taxes. If you want to be self-employment, then with important contacts and better abroad.

10 months ago

I never wanted to be self-employed.

My employee job was completely enough to get financially free.

When do I count among the richest 10% of the total population in Germany:

· from a net budget of EUR 477,200 to this group.

· Under 30-year-olds you have already arrived at the top group with around 70,000 euros.

· The 30-34-year-olds already need 200,000 euros and the 35- to 39-year-olds need more than 300,000 euros to leave 90 percent of the peers behind.

In addition, I find:

· with 16 you should only have your pocket money

· with 18 you should have the money for the driving licence

· with 25 you should already have your first 10,000€ to 15,000€

· with 30 perhaps already his 40.000€ to 50,000€

· with 40 you should have your €150,000 to pay a property

· with 60 the property should be paid off

· with 67 you should retire with an additional €150,000.

This is quite conservative and many will even be clearly above that if one is reasonably successful in the profession.

The goals can be achieved much faster than alone.

I already had my first million euros of fortune and a paid house at 40. .

How to achieve that?

Just by working make career and save……

Or by happy heirs!

10 months ago

Think about making me independent. Wanted to ask for your opinion in general.

As I have met you and your environment: Do it

10 months ago
Reply to  Anoklugids

Basically, my opinion is worth nothing. 😉

10 months ago

Find it a pretty lonely life.

Money and status is not everything in my eyes.