Verdauungsprobleme nach Brot, was tun?

Ich bekomme von Brot sehr klebrigen Stuhlgang. Es ist so schlimm, dass ich nach jedem Toilettengang duschen muss, ansonsten verschmiert der Kot alles. Toilettenpapier zu benutzen reicht nicht. Außerdem muss ich seit Jahren den Kot mit den Fingern rausholen, weil mein Darmausgang irgendwie verbogen zu sein oder zu eng scheint. Oft ist der Kot sehr aufgequollen u fest. Was kann ich dagegen tun?

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10 months ago

The best way to go to the doctor is to give up bread or try gluten-free bread.

Apple juice acts seductively and could dilute the feces a little.

It may help if you put your feet on a stool so that you sit on the toilet.

10 months ago

You should regularly dissolve Macrogol bag in a glass of water, drink, just a glass of water after. You can also drink the Macrogol bag twice a day.

They promote the chair passage through fiber, the chair passage is no longer so tight and the toilet passage is facilitated.

If the complaints are still present, register with a gastroenterologist.

Many people do not eat fresh bread so well, so you should avoid it and eat it the next day.

Good improvement for you.

10 months ago

Instead of spreading this here in all the details, you should tell your doctor.