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1 year ago

Sure…10 thousand pay to the account to order what from China and ask if the police are on your door.

1 year ago

Yes quiet and secretly, the two years ago “anti-money laundering laws ” introduced that make it almost impossible to repay saved money (bar money) to his account. In times of negative interest, many have lifted their money to not get over the allowances. Even with account statements where the withdrawal is noted it is difficult because only 3 months old are recognized. It can happen that they say your 10k are black money and you have to pay taxes on it. So 10k isn’t much that you can handle about trustworthy people (family). When depositing 5k cash into the account, no cock shouts afterwards. At least not yet.

1 year ago

Without knowing what exactly happened in the conversation, you can judge it hard.

For example, you could have offered to let your parents give you written that they have amount X of it to you as gifts over the years. You don’t have to be able to prove every cent, but a substantial part, and the explanation must be credible and inconspicuous.

Probably you explained it, she wanted further evidence and you just said “don’t give it” so that the case has remained unexplained and now had these consequences.

You could try to talk to the bank again and clarify the incident, but you should look for a new bank in parallel.

1 year ago

Obviously you could not prove the origin of the 10,000 euros convincingly. As a result, the bank has terminated the account agreement to protect itself from possible risks. Whether the bank has also made a money laundering report, nobody can answer you here.

1 year ago
Reply to  Schweisser500

Why take off? You wanted cash? And the bank must not keep the money.

1 year ago

10 000 isn’t that much…