Verbrennungen am Bauch?
Hallo, ich benutze fast jeden Tag eine Wärmflasche, da mir einfach Mega kalt ist und ich nicht ohne schlafen kann und mir ist aufgefallen, dass ich ,,Verbrennungen“ am Bauch bekommen habe, wie z.B. auf dem Bild (vom Internet)
Ich habe Angst, dass es nicht mehr weg geht und ich habe keinen Hautarzt, den ich fragen könnte. Bleibt das für immer? Kann ich was dagegen tun?
So I always sleep with a heating pad in winter and don’t have such problems! I know that with the warm bottles from the past, but as I said, I got a heating pad and swear on it. You can set the temperature, the duration and the best is, it turns off completely by itself when the set time is over! Super practical and safe! 👍😎
My wife always looked like this after the tgl. Use of the heat bottle.
I wouldn’t count it to a burn now, but it was too warm.
Either heat bottle doesn’t make too hot or put a thicker layer over the belly and then the heat bottle so it won’t get too hot.
Did it go away with her? Because with me it is no longer “red” or “brown” as on the picture but not so extreme.
And creamy
Yeah, she doesn’t see anything anymore.
Red blood flow points are not burns.
For light burns there are ointments from the pharmacy.
And cool.
Besides, just what to do is that it does not lie directly hot on the body.
Right 👍😎
use immediately colloidal silver
this is the best in brand wounds and can differentiate cells so that they regenerate
and also produce stem cells
the most common medium to prevent infections of brand wounds that infect over 90%
would also dmso prevent scar tissue, but just
incineration I always tend to the colloidal silver
so every fabric can be renewed
I’ve heard from the others that all 3 skin layers were visible as long as it was clean and silver on it
(eif a lump in the wounds of a horse stuffed change cleaned)
but yes it has already applied 100 times
colloidal silver and dmso I want eif always at home for emergencies
please don’t spread esoteric.
I can prove my infos with studies and lectures
but clear – first discredit – why should you check a confirmation
you are too unworthy of my time and I don’t talk to DIR anyway
thanks for nothing
Silver poisoning is per se dangerous for body as the body does not need silver. If you take too much, the skin can even become blue. I think a science article is more than nem gf-type that comments.
xD jaja because you’ve read some google pages are you expert?
that is called propaganda that I can prove
self-thinking is probably not as little as you look
as I said I can prove it and these proves have never been restored
but you are not worth my time
toxic to drink
have probably forgotten in false preparation or in pure form
the colloidal silver is 100% safe
yes I have read enough for the colloidal silver everything has not proved. Except poisonous when drinking.
I also had burns that went away after years, only one remained a scar
That’s okay.
And if you have a good fat layer,
no problem.