Verbrennung und Stromschlag?
Also auf jeden Fall habe ich mich heute an einer Sache verbrannt, welches sehr heiß war und dieser Gegenstand noch mit dem Strom verbunden war. Dies passierte an meiner linken Hand und ich spürte bis zu meinem oberarm ein kribbeln. Jedoch wurde die Verbrennung an meiner Hand rot ich habe diese dann ohne nach zu denken unter kaltem Wasser gelegt und mit einem Kühlpack gekühlt, wodurch die Rötung dann verschwand. Dies passierte vor ungefähr 13 Stunden. Hiermit wollte ich fragen ob es schlimm ist oder ob es besser wäre wenn ich einen Arzt aufgesucht hätte.
After a current accident, especially when the heart area was affected, e.g. when contacting the left arm, you can get heart problems. They can also occur 24 hours later. For safety, you go to the doctor and let the heart be checked by EKG.
Tips from lay people from the Internet could be life-threatening. Simply take magnesium, for example, would be a really bad idea.
You’ve been doing well. Even lukewarm water helps and you should not cool too much.
You’ve done that right, otherwise you wouldn’t write here.
After a power stroke it is good to take magnesium so that your heart continues to beat evenly.
Is the burnt place big? If it’s not an open wound, I’d leave it like that. Air contact heals best. Otherwise a thin compress or a plaster.
Mostly the worst is the horror!
Good cure!
So the wound in itself is not great, but a bladder was created which is burst.
Oh, that’s burning first. You decide.
This advice is meaningless. Although there is a strong magnesium deficiency, cardiac arrhythmias can actually be obtained, the conclusion does not work: no rhythm disorder can be treated with magnesium.
If heart problems occur after a power stroke, this is an acute emergency and because of the danger of life you should call an emergency doctor immediately. In the worst case, the heart stops beating and then the prior intake of magnesium is dangerous bullshit.
I’ll puste! Then it heals better! Sleep nicely *Single Singing
Thank you.
Okay, ‘Brand wound’ should be it.
Do not forget to drink enough: water, herbal tea, unsweetened – and in the morning do 1 pinch of salt in the 1st glass of water. Then magnesium. That’ll be fine.
In addition, eggs are often used as they contain lysine (amino acid) and lysine capsules (3 x 1000 mg/day) accelerate the healing.
All thanks again;)
You can do that if you’re not sure if it heals itself. Or do a patch on it.
I can’t see it from here:-). What I would do: leave the brand openly cure. Something happened to me.
Should I also visit a doctor or is it not necessary? The whole thing happened to me at school, but I only noticed later that it was a power strike.
Many partial incinerations always take place, it is really dangerous to deal with it.
What do you want me to do now?
Wouldn’t be wrong. Good
Artzt would certainly have been better, but if you haven’t died of the power surge until now, you won’t be anymore.
Would observe the incineration and, if necessary, go to the arsenal.