Verbirgt ein VPN das Endgerät?

Hallo Community,

kann man mit einem VPN auch das Endgerät verbergen? Wenn man sich z.B. mit einem neuen Desktop Gerät in einem Account einloggt, wird dann eine Warnmeldung/Info per E-Mail (an die hinterlegte E-Mail Adresse) versendet und das neu verwendete Gerätet (Lenovo, McBook o.ä.) mitgeteilt ? Also wenn man einen VPN Zugang beim einloggen verwendet?

vielen Dank für Antworten.

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4 months ago

I would say: No external site that is really located on an identification will place some value on the IP address for identifying a client (with a reason why I consider the VPN hype to be complete as far as it concerns security and privacy aspects).

Make a check with active VPN and Other VPN and compare the issues. With the exception of geo-information, everything else should be identical.

4 months ago

A VPN does nothing. In principle, it has the same effect as using your neighbour’s own WLAN instead.

With VPN, this is going through an encrypted tunnel to a router in a server room instead of wlan to the router of your neighbor.

Which device (operating system, etc.) you use comes from the user agent and similar information that is sent from the browser. Of course you can change. Which region and country over the IP address – which changes naturally when you go to the Internet via any router that is elsewhere.

4 months ago

Why should it be? 🤷 ♂️

For example, if you log into an account with a new desktop device, then a warning message/information is sent by e-mail (to the stored e-mail address) and the newly used device (Lenovo, McBook or the like) is communicated?

This has to do with cookies and browser settings.
Not directly what with the used device.

You can do yours fingerprint to be calculated. No VPN changes.

4 months ago

No. A normal VPN “Slided” only the place it chooses. Your device information remains untapped.

4 months ago

This depends on what exactly your terminal is identified. A VPN service covers your IP address, so that the end device can be identified via cookies, browser information, etc.