Mein Waschbecken war verstopft und hab dann da Rohrreiniger reingekippt was nix gebracht hat dann hab ich nh Stunde später aus der Abstellkammer nh pömpel geholt und das dann damit versucht was auch geklappt hat allerdings ist mir dabei bissl mein Verband nass geworden am Arm dachte ist egal allerdings hat sich der Reiniger irgendwie nh Loch bissl Reingeatzt hab ich Grad gemerkt soll ich einfach ausspülen und neuen Verband drum machen oder muss ich noch irgendwie desinfizieren
Disinfecting might be worthwhile, as you have worked with waste water, but against etching only helps you rinse thoroughly
If that looks like on the picture, it should be a doctor, otherwise there could be scars in the cure. See you tomorrow.
rinse and disinfect. If something ignites, go to the doctor. Next time, wear gloves, long sleeves and safety goggles.
Acid cannot be disinfected. Changing the dressing and flushing the skin properly with water is enough as long as you do not have visible corrosions or pain.
This was happening this morning, the band was tied up to just on it, and it’s just how hard it is.
Again. I don’t understand a word in your second sentence.
Looks like that
In any case, to the arse. You can’t handle it yourself. From sepsis to incineration to skin transplantation, we can’t help you here.