Veranstaltung ohne Veranstalter?

Moin moin wollte ein Tuning treffen anmelden aber ich will nicht für mögliche Schäden aufkommen,und ein Veranstalter bin ich nunmal nicht. Die Stadt will unbedingt einen Veranstalter wenn ich auf einem öffentlichen Parkplatz das mach nun weiss ich nicht weiter. Könnt ihr mir helfen?

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2 years ago

But in this case you will be organizers. But there is no need for any damage. One of the many things you have to have for such an event is a liability insurance. Damages can take such proportions so quickly that you can never pay them in a life.

However, a lot more to do that.

Electricity water and wastewater… sanitary facilities in the number corresponding to expected guests and visitors. Possibly food and drinks / sale, off-road planning with escape routes and designated collection site, station of the DRK or a similar medical service, security personnel (Security)….

A person alone can’t do that and unwind. There is a whole group of helpers who take care of the various tasks.

2 years ago

I don’t think I can. At the moment you register the meeting, you are the organizer whether you want or not. This means, of course, that you must know how many people come about, make a safety concept and, if necessary, take care of toilets and so on. A lot of effort!

Otherwise you have to meet “randomly” in a parking lot…