Veränderung der wachshaut beim wellensittich?


ich hab seit ungefähr 3 Jahren 2 wellensittiche die eigentlich beide männlich sein sollten. Einer dieser Wellensittiche hat vor einpaar tagen eine bräunlich rote wachshaut bekommen (siehe Bild) und hatte dafor eine blaue. Kann es sein das er doch ein Weibchen ist oder könnte er krank sein?

so sah es vor ungefähr 2 Jahren aus

Und so sieht es jetzt aus.

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2 years ago

New answer thanks to update:

After you mean that the wax skin had this pastel blue, it speaks for a hen. This means that the wax skin is straight brown and crusty as it is in brood mood.

Still keep watching them and see if the Kot is normal. Just for security.

I also want you to pay attention to what sounds the bird does. Hooks sing more, while hens sound like they’re upset about something.

Far from that you look at what movements they make while singing. Taps often move their head up and down and knock with their beak against the wood. Hens just sit there and circle or peep, but not as much as a cock.

Also, the cock usually feeds the hen, but can also happen in reverse, so this is not too important.

If you have the suspicion that something is wrong, go to the veterinarian and let him examine it for safety. :

2 years ago

In hens, the wax skin can be quite pastel blue. Or brown or beige.

She is purple, dark blue or royal blue.

Depending on the age and hormones, something changes. For example, young cocks have purple wax skin, but as soon as they get older it becomes blue.

For more precise determination, we need pictures in daylight.

But as it looks so far: you probably have a hen, in so far as that bird is good and he is not sick.

If you’re worried, please go to the vet.

2 years ago

He looks very pale when he eats well and has a normal cot I would say he has nothing and he is a female. But I would still go to the doctor with him or call them. It can also be a sign of dissatisfaction or illness.

2 years ago
Reply to  Isitterrifying

Okay, is it the right pink or rather white and light pink?

2 years ago

If it is white, Dan is not particularly good the Dan actually means that there is no picture at all, but it can also be something else. Good improvement to the bird. Go best with him/her to the doctor

2 years ago

The quality of the pictures is bad.

We need sharp images of the wax skin, taken in light daylight.

Only then can you make an exact statement.

Best regards


– skilled in the art –

2 years ago
Reply to  Isitterrifying

But bright daylight you will have tomorrow….