Verändert Corona impfung menschen?
Habe bemerkt das geimpfte menschen sich anders verhalten wie ungeimpfte hat jemand das selbe gefühl ?
Habe bemerkt das geimpfte menschen sich anders verhalten wie ungeimpfte hat jemand das selbe gefühl ?
Hallo, ich fliege ich 4 Wochen nach Thailand/Phuket und frage mich, ob eine Tollwut Impfung notwendig ist. Wir werden natürlich den Tierkontakt meiden, aber wir werden auch viel in der Natur unterwegs sein. Wie sind eure Erfahrungen? Bin ich einfach nur zu ängstlich oder sollte ich mich impfen lassen? Viele Grüße 🙂
Ich fliege von München aus nach Katar, von Katar nach Sansibar. Laut Botschaft keine Impfpflicht (Gelbfieber, Hepatitis). Wie sieht es aber von Sansibar (längerer Aufenthalt) nach Katar aus? Brauche ich dann eine Impfung? Diese Frage kann mir keiner beantworten.
wegen Impfung und so hab das mal gehört
Habt ihr auch so das Gefühl von Zeit verloren und realisiert das Corona Anfang stark auf die 5 Jahre zu geht
Hallo, ich wurde im ausland geimpft und brauche einen nachweis dafür. Ich habe aber den nachweis verloren was soll ich tun. Kann der arzt im blut nachweisen das ich geimpft wurde.
Hey! Wir reisen dieses Jahr nach Bali und möchten uns dafür natürlich impfen lassen. Meine Freundin ist leider bei der AOK, die diese Impfungen nicht übernehmen (die TK zum Glück schon). Jetzt hat sie die Rechnung von der Apotheke für die Rezepte bekommen – fast 500 €. Wisst ihr ob da noch Gebühren für den…
No. Vaccination reduces the risk of a serious course.
Infected with a severe course behave differently than those with slight courses, but this is not strictly correlated with vaccination.
I think the aim of the question is to rub people. Not funny. At present, about 70 people die of Corona every day. It may sound a little bit. It’s a lot for the hospital staff and the relatives.
The DNA is changed and the genetics mean you don’t even know how and what has changed because it’s normal for you… 5G and the chip is the phone
Are you trying to be funny?
No, the vaccination does not alter DNA or genetics. “5G” and “chip” is also bullshit.
Of course. The vaccination makes one or the other “affiliated to the upper layer”.
However, it is also necessary to note that the vaccination has only an influence on the course.
She shouldn’t separate people or make herself behave differently, but maybe it’s up to people themselves.
It means, for example, money changes people, but not everyone with a lot of money has changed and not everyone of power has abused them.
Perhaps the influence of representatives from politics had an influence, because if the vaccination is called “Gamechanger”
it must be said that all those who are impoverished should not win the rest.
The subject is much more complex. Vaccination only improves the chances of getting a better course.
I have a feeling for a long time.
I do not really believe that the biological context has, but that it has a social background. Unimpregulated were treated differently and presented completely differently in media than vaccinated. In some cases vaccinated felt like heroes. It is somehow clear that this can change the behavior and that two groups of people who are treated differently also differ in the behavior.
How did you find out? Did they tell you?
In internet forums they have often been portrayed than the absolutely better people.
Yeah, 21. I’m healthy today. I had no heavier course than the vaccinations in my environment. I also never belonged to a risk group and was generally not susceptible to being seriously ill with cold viruses, according to experience. I had no contacts with sick and old people.
I am from Austria and the general vaccination obligation was announced. It was even introduced, but then fortunately not sharpened. I needed a little longer than normal with my school runway and was still a student last year. Well, that would be funny with the fines, very funny.
There was a flat-rate level, which was planned and which could have been sheeted a total of 6 times and if you object, then everything would be the same. So, every three months should have been checked and if you were not vaccinated and you accept it, then 600€. If you do not accept it, then 3600€. And in total, that would have gone six times to my knowledge. So, as a student, I would have had to pay a lot of punishment like a rich politician who laughs at the height of this one. Very brilliant, Austria.
My mother is also vaccinated three times and we can talk to each other normally. So it is with my remaining relationship. Apart from me, I’m just getting a far away aunt who’s not vaccinated.
Me neither. This We in my previous comment was related to a general sense of reason, not to the current conversation. Based on your comment, I have already noticed that we are not opponents, but that we can conduct a normal conversation.
No, I’m not waiting for that. That’s true. I just mentioned the government, because it has been pretty busy in Austria. As it was in Germany, I don’t know now. I didn’t get that too much. But it’s true that the company just didn’t have to get into it.
I’m glad you didn’t feel it full. I was honestly not quite sure if I really should send him in that length.
That’s right. I didn’t mean you were.
Terrible! “The unimpeded are guilt” I also read here – which is a bullshit! The viruses are guilt.
You’re younger than 30 years? The vaccination status then has a measurable but very tiny influence on the course of a corona disease. The dangers of vaccination are also small, but certainly present. A vaccination obligation would have been a big mistake.
For some people with specific history, it is very useful for medical reasons to avoid vaccination. Here in the forum I met someone from this group who is unvaccinated and finds the vaccination of his wife very useful. He was also exposed to severe infusions.
The fact that you and I don’t blame us is not the responsibility of the government or society, but you and me decide.
You’re not my opponent. I object to some testimony of you and you of me and it is perfectly fine to have different views and experiences. The common problem was the pandemic and that nobody could look good enough into the future. All attempts to solve the problem were therefore only thunders, but there was no better one.
The government won’t save us. We will have to contribute to the materiality, respect and a reasonable approach to scientific knowledge, so you, me and the others in the forum and outside in the world.
With the openness in your comments, you helped me. Thank you.
(I mean the whole paragraph when I quote.)
Of course, that doesn’t happen at all, and I’m sorry that something happened. I want to mention at this point that I have never participated in it. I may have vaccinated and disputed, but with such things I didn’t get around the corner. It’s absurd that you, the hospital staff, like KZ staff, should be just because you’re vaccinating a controversial vaccination.
Yeah, you’re exposed to a higher risk of contagion, and maybe you’re afraid. Desto better I find you still staying in your job. You have to say that clearly. You actually risked your health every day and maybe even your life for others.
If you are insulted as a KZ employee, this probably triggers a frustration that I can’t imagine enough.
And what the patient said was, of course, Fail high 10. There you can see somewhere how much injury and insult is in humans.
I can understand and find it good that it was demonstrated for freedom, because some limitations I found very unfair and that even public hatred against unanswered people could not remain unanswered, was actually also clear.
But if something comes like Bill Gates wants to eradicate humanity, then I shook my head. These people went on to the nerves that publicly argued with very far-reaching stuff about vaccination. In this way, they only ridiculed the group of insults and vaccinators, which in turn damages a factual debate, that is exactly what many insults actually want. Because then I could listen to myself on the Internet that I would believe in it, although I didn’t do it at all, and I were completely misled for my non-vaccination. And they didn’t listen to me anyway.
I don’t want to do a debt-sliding game here, I really only got it against unimpeded.
Thank you for reproaching. I had to listen to that and worse.
I agree. I also observe the same at the Ukraine K. In almost all the statements that do not say that Putin is an irrational Satan and that perhaps demand to illuminate the prehistory, one is stamped as a Putintroll and a factual discussion is no longer possible. People swore you and don’t believe anything. There it can be said so often that the attack was illegal in international law. People suddenly don’t want to hear anything about it, and they just hack one.
Thank you.
I had to listen to so much shit here and some people in groups went on to me. In winter, it happened more often that users here made me 5t or so in response and blamed me as a murderer. Also, that as people like me are a social scum and we should never be part of society again, I had to listen. People who proudly said that they have excluded vaccinations from their restaurant or business forever.
I’ve seen a lot of things because I had a heavy stage of life in front of Corona – and while she wasn’t completely over. I was pampered at school and excluded anyway, which I suffered as a teenager. Then to hear that I should never be part of society again, because I am a social and a bad person, just hurt, deeply in it.
Or the murderer… I had lost a parent in a disease before Corona and a friend killed himself. I hadn’t dared to have the signs correctly interpreted and then to get under control, you want to kill people, and the family members of others would care about…
I don’t have any room for anything to say about this winter. There is a lot of feelings and despair, which was quite extreme and which I will not forget so quickly. All due to vaccination status.
That’s what makes people. I was already distrustful and generally not easy to trust, but after this, these characteristics have once again strengthened. I notice how I was partly rather cold and hostile to other people, internally. There’s this basic feeling that we’re opponents.
I don’t show this open, of course, but it’s a pity that the government had come so far.
In this forum, I was accused of being vaccinated and linguists, knowingly guilty of the death of many thousands of people and injecting poison into healthy people without scruple. I was compared with guards in the concentration camp and made responsible for children dying by wearing mases.
At the same time, the vaccinated nursing staff at clinics is exposed to a particularly high rate of infection, because many corona patients were in hospitals (and are, however, far less currently). A patient with us woke up again after weeks in the beaten coma and coaxed his doctor: “Have I said: the imfung is superfluous!”
I know demonstrations by Querdenkern, who are playing as heroes in the fight for “freedom” and on a flat-rate basis to all scientists, physicians and politicians, consciously participate in the extermination of people. There was a lot of bullshit about the effects of corona vaccination and spread with hatred.
That’s a strange idea of you I can’t do. Hass and Hetze have led to the construction of scheterhaufen everywhere – on both sides. The idea that this is the other fault is too short-sighted.
No, it is not an unfriendly submission of me to call this unfriendly submission. Despite the relativization with “partially” and “often” it remains a failed pile.
There have actually been voices in the forum that have demanded that unimpeded no longer be treated in hospitals or that they bear the costs. That was completely beyond and inhuman. I have always objected to this clearly and directly, because this clearly contradicts the task of medicine.
Vaccinated or non-vaccinated is not the real problem. As Corona has gone in the sand, the Scheiterhaufen are rebuilt for refugees, asylum seekers, unemployed, overweight, vegans, climate activists or women’s rights activists (or for the “other”). The lack of respect and the realization that we all sit together in the same small boat.
I’m vaccinated. I’ve never felt like a hero about it and I haven’t shown myself as absolutely better people. I’m sick of vaccination and accusations on vaccinations and non-vaccinations.
I’m very sorry for you if you had to listen to arrogant sayings about your vaccination status in this forum. Such reviews about you based on the vaccination status are a nausea and they bear witness to a discreet and poorly informed world view.
In Germany, the virus is rampant to evaluate people with other views. On the other hand, we have no vaccination and the people concerned are celebrating their non-social behaviour.
Thanks for your factual tone and content in your today’s comment. I guess your and my experiences differ little, despite different vaccination status.
No, I didn’t. This is the real unfriendly submission.
In a comment you’ve already responded to, I realized that the people I’m talking about are Internet users. So it was about the majority of Internet users and it was really like that, I only passed on my own experience. That it’s not better, I can’t do anything for it.
That I did not write it directly, from speed, in the answer should not be a problem, as I immediately mentioned it in my first comment. It should be clear for a long time.
That I can’t believe 80% of the whole adult is clear. So many people don’t comment on Youtube or good question.
It was unfortunately my experience last winter. To a very large part online and to a small one at my school. Why would I invent that? If it hadn’t been, I wouldn’t have posted it now. I don’t start talking about any invented facts. That would be too hard for me and I’m not worth my time.
You may not have done this to this extent as I am, since you are in the role of the vaccinated person. The unimpeded has generally got a different picture of society during the pandemic than the vaccinated. One was/is there in a completely different role and one should not forget when talking about personal experiences.
You would have the opportunity to write, “That was different.” Instead, you’ll tell me that I knew it was different.
You wrote unfriendly submissions to vaccinated people. I don’t think that’s appropriate. People can be inoculated to make a serious and possibly fatal disease less risky. To blame you for being a hero and “better people” is three times.
If you care about constructivity, you can argue accordingly.
You’re distracting from the subject. You ride around on a statement that you know very well that she was meant differently and it wasn’t on my wording, you just made a completely wrong reference. This is not constructive.
You write that the vaccinations, which represent the vast majority of the adult Germans, have “often depicted themselves on the Internet as the absolutely better people” and “sometimes suddenly like heroes”.
That’s offensive. To subdue “intentional false understanding” to me, it is obvious. This isn’t far away from “cuffed.”
I knew it was coming. I mean, I didn’t do a stupid job and sentenced for his decision. Please don’t understand it intentionally wrong.
You call that “fair” and “not condemned”? Sounds like 80% of adults have arrogance and superiority.
As others have shown, not my problem. Anyway, I was fair to everyone, and I didn’t judge anyone.
So. And how did the invaccinations appear?
I couldn’t notice any change.
No, Impung doesn’t change people.
But many found it great that they had advantages under certain circumstances that they were more lucky and satisfied.
So it makes a difference in every case. Not vaccinated can be easily plugged in and easily plugged in, thus not only endangering itself, but also reducing their fellow human beings and social acceptance. Vaccinated are relatively safe, but not 100%, as there are constantly new variants of the virus.
But you don’t get another feeling. That would not go, no hormones or the like will be injected.
This is a very strange and also quite insane idea, which probably should only be found in “Querdenker” circles followers.
Make popcorn and read some answers here
“Quer Denk” works in both extremes And if these are found, it will be amusing:D
No. I rarely know if someone is vaccinated or not.
no I am vaccinated and hate to be vaccinated like an unimpeded.
behave is exactly the same with me the vaccination continues
Yes, vaccinated behaves anxious 🤣🥳
No. Vaccinations do not have to invent new reasons for not being inoculated, see everything much more relaxed.
No, I don’t feel anything.
Yes. Since I’ve been vaccinated, I’ve had the urge to arm Ukraine and confuse Russia.
A positive feature of this vaccination.
They will all die….
Yes the feeling I also believe the losing per day automatically thousands of brain cells God is thanks to I am unvaccinated
This is a diffraction, Corona has eaten thousands of your brain cells, rational thinking is no longer possible with you.
Not as many as you vaccinated the vaccination has given your brain cells the last death blow
Yeah, just wondering how long you’re not always young and healthy. Without antibodies….
Why suck? There is no reason for healthy young people to be vaccinated, as you already see, we live and that in full health
Our brains work normally. We don’t have to constantly invent and spread any bullshit, not to be inoculated.