Do people change in a war/apocalypse?
I watched a film about how people (civilians) change in war or an apocalypse. Some of these people were loving, kind, and helpful people before the war, who also worked in social work. However, in war, these people transformed into warriors and murderers who see everyone as a threat and are willing to kill others without hesitation.
It is difficult to set this to a point. Various people also always mean that different situations are dealt with.
Yes, in certain situations people are able to be cold-blooded, think only of the Germans in the Kz’s.
But I don’t think it’s easy to generalize, some will also be broken and traumatized, so that they can never see a gun again without panic.
But yes, I guess war all changes in some way that fall victim to this, how many things change people. It is a cutting-edge experience that will also make a significant change, so I guess.
Most of these films are American films and series that want to be socially critical.
In these media, in apocalyptic situations everyone fights against everyone, society breaks apart and everything goes down the brook.
The main message in “The Walking Dead” is: The zombies are just a change in the environment, the really bad and the real danger are the people.
And I’m not saying I don’t like such movies and series, some I love.
This does not correspond to the experiences in the real world:
In reality, people come together in crisis situations. In times of hardship, such as in bad wars or natural disasters, the best is usually shown in people. They share more, are ready to bring victims, work together.
This is also seen in Ukraine! These people live in some parts of the country under apocalyptic conditions and it has led to them helping each other more.
There was the report of a 15-year-old girl, who had been seriously wounded but had traveled all the way out of her attacked city to the west and kept on the way several times to take other wounded.
Or many stories of women who took foreign children to escape simply because it is the right thing.
Reports on natural disasters almost never reveal how people are evil but how they help each other.
In retrospect, it came out that many of the alleged looting after the flood of New Orleans were simply citizens who broke into abandoned shops to get supplies for themselves and others.
So… the “mee” of people who become evil in crisis situations says something about our time and how we look at humanity. It says little about humanity in real extreme situations.
Well, those who don’t change don’t make it long. Unless they can join others…
Everyone in the Apocalypse is a threat. See above. Who goes out after a few weeks and months is a murderer. /End of history.
It’s just being eaten or eaten.
Self-conservationpower stopthat goes beyond human thought!
Feels can and will happen with people.
Overall, I think Kriesen reveals more than they change:
it is true that many of them show appalling sides of themselves, but others show themselves unjustly good and courageous. Disappointed by mankind will be those who thought that unpolitical men are good, it often turns out that they hide behind their indeterminate and “neutrality” simply recklessness and selfism. But also supposedly political are often not according to the claims.
General: whoever will be solidaric in wartime is already now and who does not actually do anything for human rights will not suddenly start with it in the war.
Since 2020 reality. That’s what I notice at my neighborhood in my 3,000 inhabitants village.
To what extent? Have you been threatened or how do you perceive that?
A look into the world is enough…
At that time, they beat up on toilet paper, people were shot because they pointed to the masquerade. Today they fight over olive oil and potassium iodide tablets. And there is not even an objective deficiency.
What if there were actually too little of it?
U.a. threatens to do so by a firefighter (voluntary fire brigade), who unfortunately hasn’t given any rest with his unbearable car since the end of 2019.
As the respective people can change, no one can say beforehand, that depends entirely on what remains when the thin lacquer leaves out of civilization.
My Uropa was in WW1, at a very bad corner, and he didn’t talk about it all his life until a few days before his daughter’s death (i.e., Grandma) had a kind of confession. Then he told her that they made it a game to tell who, like many opponents, could catch up and that they, like on Kirmes at the shooting bud, targeted the heads as soon as they looked out of the trenches. He also said that he did not take away a seriously wounded comrade, but only took away his new boots because he did not need them anymore and moderated his feet.
The rest of his life he was sometimes hard but never violent, and he abhorred the war. When Hitler gave her speech on the radio, he cried because it started again, but don’t have to run again because he was already in the state service (Reichsbahn)
My other two grandpas were in WW2, none of them participated in serious fighting. Only one grandpa in a village has blown up all the shackles and dung piles in the hope of winning a lead in front of the aliens…has worked but he was still caught in France. He kept his sense of humour and his peaceful way and never hurt a person.
The brutality is taught to the soldiers in regimes such as Nazi Germany or Russia. But this is rather not the widespread consequence of war experiences. More of a reason.
Due majority changes, however, whether civilian or soldier, they are victims.. Postraumatic stress syndrome is called this today. A neighbor (93) today tells about the bomb nights she experienced as a child.
Have you seen The Walking Dead?
Is The Walking Dead a movie??
No series
Warriors and murderers remain warriors and murderers.
People working in social professions, that is to say towards the human being, are breaking many of them into war. They suffer with PTBS (post-traumatic stress disorders) for a long time and need help.
There are some studies on this.
To get to your initial question: yes, of course. The human psyche must also adapt to the changed environmental conditions – or be based on them.