Verändern Computerspiele den Realitätssinn?
Ich habe in meiner Jugend Segelfliegen und in den letzten Jahren Paragliding betrieben. Bei Freunden und Verwandten wurde ich eingeladen, an deren Spielkonsonle Flugzeuge zu steuern und zu landen, natürlich über die entsprechenden Simulationsprogramme.
Da mir am Anfang manche Landungen nicht gelangen, den Spielern aber schon, waren sie ausnahmslos der Meinung, dass ich nicht fliegen könnte und lachten mich sogar aus
Dass ich hunderte Flüge in echt absolviert habe, haben sie nur belächelt.
Ist es tatsächlich so, dass unsere Jugend jeglichen Realitätssinn durch die Gamerei verliert?
Ein Fluggefühl, gerade bei Auf- und Abwinden, sowie Slipsteuerung im Landeanflug bei Seitenwind, kö8nnen die doch gar nicht kennen. Um das kennenzulernen, sitzt anfangs ja auch ein Fluglehrer mit an Bord und vor dem ersten Alleinflug gibt es eine Prüfung!
Ach ja: Alle meine Landungen mit den echten Fluggeräten sind mir gelungen! 😅
You’re right.
The computer game can only very inadequately depict this particular situation, which requires the highest attention and flying skills.
From my own experience, I can tell you that I have not met a user at the flight simulator who could fly a real flight time properly.
Except for pilots.
You know what flight experience you have yourself and what skills you have acquired.
Trust on it and don’t let you pee on your leg as an Elephant by superb will-be pilots….
… and if so, the Elephant doesn’t even notice this.
Best regards
Thank you again!
Since 01.07.2022 I have been a regular pensioner. Since I have conditional problems when starting with the paraglider and my last 3 starts have been proven to have a tibia head fracture, I can assess my risk and pay tribute to my age and my bone!
I would like to make the UL license with 66 and realize my previous dream, to control a motor sailor once. I completed 125 sailing trips as a teenager.
I trust it!
Can I ask for an independent opinion whether this seems realistic?
At the motor sailor I see good prospects for success. UL would be too risky to me personally.
Then I wish you a good flight all the time.
Thank you. 👍
If you want to fly motor sailors, you should also drive and purchase the TMG.
Thank you for this information!
So it’s much more complicated than I thought.
My aero-medical examination is still running as it is a first registration. I’m in treatment for psoriasis arthritis and once a week I spray the chemotherapeutic MTX. This used to be the run for pilots. Now it requires some evidence of additional investigations to be suitable for UL! If I’ve managed this course, I’ll go through the UL training!
Motor sailer was my dream, as I can start independently, environmentally friendly sailing and can restart or forward it in an emergency or need.
Now I am a pensioner and finally have the time but the real life expectancy leaves me no longer infinitely much time. It’s just… just to get in the air! 😅
I use the possibilities available to me now!!! 😊
Eigtl. imagined for @gregor443 … Unfortunately quatsch. With an Ul license you can’t fly a motor sailor. Even an upgrade from Ul to TMG (touring motorglider – Motorsegler) is, in my knowledge, very expensive or, in my knowledge, no start or flight hours are recognized by Ul. On the other hand, the one has, in simple terms, the motor sailer license, is enough to be instructed with flight instructors into the Ul fly & instruction with small examination with respect to Explosive material … Approx. 1h-3h flight time,… PPLA also favors according to TMG. In addition, according to TMG, passengers can also be taken to Ul. And, in my knowledge, no sailing licence is required to fly TMG.
I have no SPL!
I had to give up the sailing flying because of “Westerwandschaft” at that time. The Stasi had blocked me. After the turn, occupation and family were at the forefront. Now I’m a pensioner and I have time for it.
: Do you not simply extend your SPL to TMG?
Thank you.
In Germany you need the UL license to run a motor sailor. In Austria there is an additional license for the sailor.
That was my pre-information of three years ago.
Yes, there seem to be many hard to do, to distinguish what is now reality and what is computer game.
Many people also think that they could, of course, land a plane of traffic because they managed to do it a few times with the MS Flight Simulator.
And with regard to the New Year’s Eve, I have read an article by a psychologist that such people do not realize how dangerous this can be – because it is perfectly natural for them that, for example, firefighters are invulnerable in their protective clothing and rescue workers can simply heal themselves in the event of an injury. I don’t know how to get to such ideas except computer games.
Computer game and real world are just two different pairs of shoes. You have practice with real planes, they have exercise with the computer game.
Don’t take it to your heart, but have pity with them if they can’t keep it apart.
Thanks again personally for your comprehensive and enlightening answer!