Veneers Preise etc?
hey ich habe in 2 Wochen einen Termin beim Zahnarzt für 8 Veneers
Ich hatte den Arzt über ein Internet Portal (medikompass gefunden) dort wurde mir ein angebot unterbreitet von ca 4000 Euro, mir kommt das nur für die Leistung “wenig” vor da im internet überall steht das ein Veneer 800-1400 Euro Kostet kann das dann überhaupt stimmen?
Die Seite ist seriös.
und meint ihr damit kann man auch eine Zahnlücke vorne schließen die ca 3.5-4mm groß ist?
800€ per veneer can be good as the colleague calculates this and that were in your case 3600€, it is so that it appears of course cheaper because you only need 1 print for 8, you would make it one by one, 8x print costs were added.
You know what I mean?
Good day
I understand that only in my case would it be 525 Euro ca per Veneer since I took 8, maybe I also get you wrong straight, I think sometimes laboratory costs and how much the dentist at the end plays there also ne very big roll I think?
have a little thought, that should last for a long time and make no problems and look good at the end, I do not know you should measure everything at the price despite all that it makes me a little stubborn
And thanks again:)
Then ask the colleague if you’re insecure, there’s no offense to you, and you have a guarantee.
If the veneers are tried, say what doesn’t fit or like, you can change it well when they are used first, it’s harder to impossible, depending on what is.
All right, I understand your thinking.
800€ per Veneer For dental and laboratory costs are fine.
I can’t say at the price. Advising the gap