Vegetarier werden?
Salam u Alaikum Freunde, nachdem ich die Doku ”Dominion” gesehen habe, möchte ich Vegetarier werden, später evtl. auch Vegan. Ich möchte mich aber dennoch Gesund ernähren. Seit 5 Tagen habe ich jetzt kein Fleisch gegessen, was ist die Alternative für die Nährstoffe? Eier und Milch möchte ich auch stark reduzieren da ich auch noch basischer leben will.
Hier die Doku:
If it is really vegetarian, then of course cheese and eggs. Easily nutritional and you are well positioned.
Perhaps these answers from me here on good question are helpful for you:
And here is a contribution with 7 rules of a healthy vegan diet:
All herbal? 🤷
Easy to eat vegetable and good. At vegan B12 as a supplement and finished. The A and O is simply still varied, balanced and healthy to eat. Less finished products and substitute products and cook fresh.
It’s not a witchcraft.
best leave all the isolates away… so edible oil and salt… And remember eating enough vitamins… Vitamins B and D can be tricky… Sele and zinc are also sun theme… Maybe you let a doctor advise you…?
Doctors are not nutritional advisers and often not up-to-date on the topic.
but they can take off good blood and know a cool lab… maybe you should choose a sports doctor….
that would explain so much… I thought that was coming from many nails…
Really now?
But you know that you have little salt to limit the brain function?
dange… also…
Then much joy continues.
real? I only eat the salt that the manufacturer fills in the Kidney beans canned… so about 4g a day… that seems to be enough…
Sodium and chloride are in the plants everywhere…
Yes, if you are advised to omit salt, it is already advisable to control the blood …….🤦