Vegane Menschheit?
Könnten sich alle vegan ernähren also hätten wir genug Lebensmittel für 8 Millarden Menschen
Könnten sich alle vegan ernähren also hätten wir genug Lebensmittel für 8 Millarden Menschen
Mir hat es YouTube beigebracht. Mit 16 war es noch Linsen mit nichts oder Reis mit Rahmsauce, heute sind es richtige Gerichte…..
Hallo , sind die RAW BITES Riegel mit Industrie Zucker ?
Hi! Ich wollte Gummibärchen selbermachen, diese sind allerdings ehr wie Wackelpudding geworden. Jetzt habe ich in einem online Kochrezepte etwas von Gelatine gelesen, die besonders fest wird. Als ich gegoogelt hab, habe ich allerdings nichts weiteres dazu gefunden. Kann mir jemand sagen, ob es sowas wirklich gibt? Und wenn ja, einen Hersteller nennen? Danke im…
Ich bin 1,66 groß und wiege 66 ist das zu viel ?
Of course. If we eat all the cereals, soy and so for the animals ourselves, we can even feed more than 8 billion people.
And would taste good
So, in my opinion, there is so much vegetable. But there’s probably enough to say without meat and cheese there’s nothing more delicious.
That’s just because people eat too many taste bearers. They make our taste buds proven caputt. If you despise a month completely, a bread tastes with butter and salt completely different and delicious. Then think of a vegan curry or nuts or or
We manage to feed 72 billion a year, but with our current diet we can’t feed 8 billion people. I think the rest is self-explanatory.
Yes but animals = fertilizer
I don’t understand why you’re coming back with the fertilizer. Man can also fertilize with other things
You are a hopeless ignorant case
Yes I don’t say it’s unhealthy I just say with meat it’s healthier
What’s your problem? You’ve asked a question whether it’s possible from the crowd to feed all people only vegan and now you don’t have any answer that is based on facts correct and you’re looking at how the biggest food businessman. If you just want to press your opinion on others, you wouldn’t have to ask the question. And yes it is healthy.
Yes, however, it is not as healthy as a diet with meat… especially for children fatal
Oh wow I also and I am vegan
No, I’m not, but I’m watching exactly what I eat, so I have the most perfect blood image you can imagine plus perfect organs
You’re a nutritionist. In addition, we are able to feed on the 3 times of farm animals, and in addition an animal eats a lot more than a human.
Yes, however, whether this goes without farm animals I doubt strongly and vegan nutrition is not the healthiest
Even today, enough food is being produced to all 8 billion. To feed people.
In addition, renewable raw materials for biogas, as an additive to fuel, animal tensile force in countries that are too poor to afford motor vehicles and petrol, wool for warm socks and scarves, bristles for brushes, feathers for pillows, straw for hats, insulating materials and so on.
There are also countries that do not grow cereals or vegetables. More than 70% of the world’s agricultural areas are grassland and can only be used with animal husbandry.
Yeah, we did.
At present, enormous land areas are used for the cultivation of feed. In addition, you also need pasture in the next stage.
Most vegan products require significantly less land area for production than meat.
(That’s why I still don’t want to forbid any landlord to keep a few chickens on his plot and feed them with food remains.)
And how is this with fertilizers etc? Because being honestly vegan is not so healthy
What do you mean? For fertilization it doesn’t matter whether I feed the corn or eat it directly? Or do I make a mistake?
You asked whether vegan diet is resource-oriented. I have affirmed and noted that most vegan foods are significantly better in terms of resources than meat. This is scientific fact.
Whoever reads my answers will find that I promote a versatile diet. This can be a moderate meat consumption – but it does not have to.
Horse also tastes good
So I don’t know what you’re thinking – the fewest animal excretions land on the field (but, for example, in the biogas plant). With the neighboring field of my parents, only 1x per year is fertilized with manure. There are countless plant-based fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers.
Horse man is also a good fertilizer. Horseback riding clearly holds farm animals without eating them. :
A possible solution would also be genetically modified foods. These usually require less fertilizer. Here is a good video on the topic: order-102.html
Again, I’m not against meat. Only the excessive mass production of meat is harmful to the environment.
Yes but people do not know that it is not possible to live without animals and so I mean fertilizers… if you run mass animal husbandry you collect fertilizers if all vegans would be much less animals since no one needs them for food… and without the many cows etc. If there were almost no fertilizer for plants etc… that is to say mankind could not live completely vegan… since you certainly do not consider animals just fertilizers without them…
No, vegan doesn’t go. As animal fertilizer falls. Vegan agriculture is up to 80% lower than oil fertilizer. With animal fertilizer only 30% lower.
Then mankind would probably die for malnutrition. The vegan diet is not the healthiest (e.g. B12 deficiency) and even catastrophic for infants/children you know long enough.
Then directly chicken Nuggets
You can also supplement this and make the B12 without animals
True, but leading B12 is enough for children who are not in growth for a long time
First of all they rain on that they get the artificial but cows don’t get it artificial so their meat has so much. B12 Overdose dissolves blood cancer to be 100% vegan is as much unhealthy as it is not possible to overdose with normal food… because it is simply excreted by normal food. Milk is also a very good calcium source… it’s true healthier but only for the environment… for people not…
I’m right.
And the so popular “vegan” products are often pure chemical cocktails.
There was a couple of weeks ago, I strayed everything in there. But all the vegan “Fleischimitate” must also taste and look like real so they can buy one. But this only goes with endlessly many additives from the chemical building 🙈
The thing is and then you often hear be vegan is healthier… I mean, if you really take the exact amount of medication but you can never take it because you take off every 3 months of blood and only on the day of blood decrease you can take it exactly afterwards no longer unhealthy… and every day how much mg you are already taken from something is not worth it… and then expensive and not good…
There are enough food for all people but apparently the distribution does not work. And vegan doesn’t change that.
However, it changes, 72 billion animals could easily be equal to 10 to 20 billion people, according to how they feed, We could easily feed 10 billion (respect: I have not included things like shortage of warning, etc.)
Also not, it lacks distribution, whether vegan or not.