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2 years ago

Maybe aromas come in, the fish resemble. But it would also be more likely to call fishermen’s kits.

2 years ago
Reply to  SirSulas74

Why not just cereal sticks…

2 years ago
Reply to  guitschee

Grain sticks – now with fish taste!^^

2 years ago

Yep, and cereal sticks I would also eat if they are delicious AND not cost five times, just because “vegan” is on it.

2 years ago

Jo, grain should taste like grain.

2 years ago

I don’t need the fish taste;-).

2 years ago

It is also not much less fish;-).

But I think that is customer misleading and that would not be allowed in Germany, but such companies usually have lawyers, so will know better.

I think it’s like that or something.

2 years ago
Reply to  guitschee

Right. The “Vegan” is very misleading.

2 years ago
Reply to  RealGameMaster

… What’s more sensible you don’t have to say? Well, you should let it go.

2 years ago
Reply to  guitschee

I see the much greater “customer misleading” based on the fact that many animal product manufacturers are devastating consumers – in the truest sense of word – by propagating on the packaging a cute and animal-friendly healing world (by means of sounding names and images)!

2 years ago

… Because fish is an animal and grain is not a fish…

2 years ago

I just don’t understand how “Vegane fish sticks” should be misleading.

2 years ago

Because it’s the best and most sensible name.

What’s that? It’s a vegan fish stick. No further demand required, successfully communicated.

Gottseidank, there is no fish economy that prohibits this as in the weak-sened situation around oat milk, soy milk, etc., to which the correct name was removed by law to harm the company.

This is as pedantic as the English, who by EU law for example prohibit the Rhine countries to use the German correct name for fruit spread – jam. “There are no marmelos= citrus fruits in it.” So what? Elephant paper also does not consist of African bean animals. Eating paper is not a real paper. Wind bags do not contain fast moving air, and marzipan screws have 0% snail meat content.

2 years ago
Reply to  Grobbeldopp

Not to talk about “products” such as barn milk, smiling beard sausage, cat tongues, rubber bears, liver cheese, tea sausage, blood plums, dead granny, body butter, shea butter, butternut pumpkin – this list would still be endless…;)

Thank you for your remarks ! 😉

2 years ago

For the same reason that the “liber cheese” may also be called as it means – although neither liver nor cheese is contained therein…;)

I think not everyone has to understand everything…;)

Here’s what the “Der Graslutscher” – Blog :

  • “Good day, I would like to have 2 kg of soy chop in octahedral form, please!”

Who, by the way, “believes” that in – conventional – “fish sticks” much of the “real” fish is contained, should escape from his “blase”…

Not mean evil, just honestly!

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

Who, by the way, “believes” that in – conventional – “fish sticks” much of the “real” fish is contained, should escape from his “blase”…

2/3 fish in fillet quality, 1/3 pannade – even if the priests of your food religion try to make you feel something else in your worth-ful faith.

Not mean evil, just honestly!

Within your “Blase” may be.

2 years ago

I don’t understand being honest, but it doesn’t bother me. What is only irritated to me is that the vegan “milk” have made full of the uprising and then the shy milk comes around the corner 🤷

2 years ago
Reply to  Sunako331

Not to forget the “cococonese milk” – which may continue to be so called because there were already before the plant drink…;)

I see it like you.

You don’t have to understand everything…;)

2 years ago

I wonder. It is also impossible to call oats, almond drinks etc. They don’t mean a free drink.

Did you find the product in Germany?

Maybe it’s new and soon consumer protection will intervene or something to rename it.

2 years ago
Reply to  annie80

The good old coconut milk – and also the scrubbing milk – may continue to be named :

Has something to do with the so-called “inhabitation law” – there is the almighty milk lobby gracious, because it has to lose nix…;)

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

I didn’t think about these products.

2 years ago

Not if I go. However, in this case it is clear for everyone who can read.

By the way, I find it quite hypocritical that vegan meat substitutes are made laboriously so that it looks and tastes like meat. Have seen vegan “Lax” before. Looked like orange bike tiles.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackwell22

Lax or salmon?

2 years ago
Reply to  wattdennnu2

LaX with X so you don’t get confused with real salmon.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackwell22

Hmmm, that sounds delicious.

2 years ago
Reply to  Blackwell22

As far more hypocritical, I feel the fact that the overwhelming majority of the so-called “consumers” cannot endure the connection from the living animal to the “good”!

What happens today with the giant of the so-called “users” is a reason to be extremely ashamed of strangers!

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

So… don’t bear. I can stand for my part and have no problems with it. That may be because I’ve already watched as a child when animals are slaughtered so that after that there’s something leaking on the table.

2 years ago

Also with small purse you don’t have to have daily (billig)meat and Co. on the plate!

2 years ago

Of course, I am proud not to be able to afford more environmentally and animal-friendly meat and to be extremely one-sided in terms of supply.

2 years ago


2 years ago

No, I don’t have a butcher of my trust, and I don’t buy a BIO meat.

Or you’re one of the very others that it’s not.


2 years ago

Nearly 98 % of the TIer products – not only in this country – still stem from atrocious mass livestock farming, exploitation of humans and animals and environmental damage!

You are then one of the 2% of the

  • “Hey Veganer, I eat very little meat (from the butcher of my trust)!”
  • “Hey Veganer, I eat only organic meat!”

Finding as “Youtube-Videos by “Der Artgenosse”

Or you’re one of the very others who know it’s no matter where their food comes from – and how it became what’s on their plate…

But Is(s)t quasi “worse” – for everyone must answer his actions and leave!

2 years ago

The term “fish sticks” is not protected, so you should make them from all kinds.

I still don’t understand why you’re a vegan on food that tastes like the normal non-vegan product. Either you like fish and meat or you don’t like it. If I eat vegetables then it should also taste vegetables and not be pimped with lots of additives on something similar to fish or meat.

2 years ago
Reply to  Perpendikel

Why is that so difficult to understand? Many vegans like the taste of meat, but not the process of meat domination. They don’t want animals to die.

2 years ago
Reply to  RealGameMaster

So they don’t like dead animals, they just like their taste. They want their vegetables to taste dead animals instead. In order to see a sense in it, you must be affected by this error.

2 years ago

Ah – again someone who “he”s meat always raw, unworn and completely unprocessed “savoured”…;)

No matter what kind of coffee you want to have read this again – its formation of a lack of real arguments to explain the fact is apparently quite great in fashion for chronic shortages.

Again and again one finds one of these – not even so rare – specimens…

So your assertions that are far from reality are not only corrected by me, I am pleased. Have you ever been smart about how much fish fillet must be contained in a fish stick, or are you still trying to sell your brain spines that have not been distorted by any idea?

2 years ago

Ah – again someone who “he”s meat always raw, unworn and completely unprocessed “savoured”…;)

Again and again one finds one of these – not even so rare – specimens…

2 years ago

When it tasted “after NIX” it is your miserable cooking skills and not on the flesh – you can believe or not.

2 years ago

Also in my “vorvegan” life I have never consumed cheap meat – you can believe or not…

2 years ago

That sounds like a blind man was talking about colors. Except for cheap meat, you’ve never prepared any?

2 years ago

From the front:

What does “real” meat taste for?

Right :

After spices, according to various preparation methods, tunks and sauces – and otherwise according to NIX!

2 years ago

On TV (I think it was on ZDF), they talked about herbal meat a while ago. That’s all right.

Germany and its world improvers are just making themselves ridiculous. Personally, I’ve abandoned it to excite me about such a nonsense, save the nerves. Apart from that, they could have called the stuff instead of vegan fish sticks also edible chemical factory. That’s all that crap is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mauli73

edible chemical factory


2 years ago
Reply to  Mauli73

Oh, an expert…;)

  • “Hey vegans, your replacement products are chemical and unhealthy!”

Youtube video by “The Art Comrade” – it really has it!

Are you sad?

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

Sorry, I haven’t seen a YouTube video in my whole life and I won’t start with it either. Whoever believes in Youtube to find reputable information, who also believes that the butterflies bring the gifts and Santa Claus the children.

2 years ago

I don’t know this fellow. But if I look at the ingredients list of these vegan fish sticks, they are safe from the chemical laboratory. Just because wallpaper glue (methyl cellulose) is in it. The ingredients list reads like from chemistry classes.

For fish sticks from fish I need exactly 6 ingredients: fish, egg, flour, semmelbrösel, salt and pepper and not 15 (where the natural flavors can still be divided).

2 years ago

You know the “Artmate” badly – obviously you’re just looking for a justification for your prejudices…

Then live with them – but please let people in peace make something different!

2 years ago

Because exactly the same, only with another ingredient

2 years ago
Reply to  Rollo489

Yeah. So fish sticks with the ingredient fish are the same as fish sticks with the ingredient wallpaper stickers (at the vegan stuff even stands on: methyl cellulose).

Cool, I’m getting vegans. Then I can save a lot of money instead of buying my food in the supermarket, I go to the construction market and buy me a pack of wallpaper glues. I just need water for that.

By the way, these vegan fish sticks are so vegan that they even contain traces of egg and milk according to the packaging. 🤣🤣🤣

2 years ago
Reply to  Mauli73

OMG, scandal? Animal products for necessary production in vegan products? No, of course not.

Vegan products are partly produced in the same factories or transported loaders that are used for animal products, so it can be natural that there is a crossover somewhere.

This, by the way, is not even realistic, but is determined by law

2 years ago

Your sentence was correct before.

2 years ago

Sorry – the rush:

…will dismiss “Mauli” from questioning his prejudices – NOT – …;)

2 years ago

And is specifically addressed to allergy sufferers – to prevent possible damages…

But I guarantee you, not even this hint will bring “Mauli” away from questioning his prejudices…

Because it’s so delicious!

2 years ago

If it’s vegan it can’t be fish! It’s just a nausea to call it fish sticks!

Would be good to sell chicken meat as a vegan soon if these vegans were fed! Secondary food!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iohanes

What do you think “real fish” is present in – common – fish sticks?

2 years ago
Reply to  Honeysuckle18

This can google easily!

If there is a violation of the obligation to award, there can be real trouble!

2 years ago

No, I also eat vegan food, more often even, but I don’t like plagiarism!

2 years ago

High quality fish in stables at current prices?

Whether you are allowed to believe this or that is considered sin in your religion: yes.

Where do you live?

In contrast to you in here and now, and thanks to full nutrition even without the cerebral symptoms observed in militant vegans.

Take verifiable facts instead of always only tendenzious roughness!

Reading or surrendering?

2 years ago

And prejudices remain prejudices!

2 years ago

High quality fish in stables at current prices?

Where do you live?

2 years ago

Replacement pamp!

2 years ago

How much “real fish” do you think is in a fish stick? Take verifiable facts instead of always only tendenzious roughness!

2 years ago

Just wondering for WEN…

2 years ago

Why do you call “scream milk”? There’s no milk in there.

Remember yourself, right?

It is called “Vegane fish sticks” because it is a vegan product to replace fish sticks. If you don’t understand, you can’t help him anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  RealGameMaster

Fish is explicitly an animal. Milk, on the other hand, is a general term for a rather tame liquid – so your example does not fit here.

2 years ago
Reply to  guitschee

But that thing doesn’t mean “steep fish” but “fish sticks”. First of all, a stick.

2 years ago
Reply to  RealGameMaster

Scholarship, you realize it’s true!

2 years ago
Reply to  Iohanes


2 years ago

I sign food as they are! Milk is milk, Quark is Quark, celery is celery, a Viennese schnitzel is a Viennese carving (i.e. calf with panade) meat sausage is meat sausage and grape is grapefruit! Just like fish is really fish!

Honestly lasts the longest!