Vegane Dokus?

Hey, ich bin Vegetarierin und auf dem Weg Veganerin zu werden. Ich suche aber nach einer oder mehreren Dokumentationen nach denen ich keine tierischen Produkte mehr anfassen will. Also bestenfalls extrem grafisch und detailliert, damit ich erstmal motiviert bin das durchzuziehen.

Danke im Vorraus❤

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2 years ago

Watch a ten-hour video of how cows are beaten and chicks are shredded.

These videos should also be shown in schools to make people aware of it.

2 years ago
Reply to  MeinCtutW88

And children deeply traumatized. These “document ” are in principle propaganda .

2 years ago
Reply to  Muktamani

From an age of 15, 16 you can represent this – as a teacher -…

That’s where I’m feeling a lot more about ball games.

2 years ago
Reply to  Muktamani

Propaganda? No, certainly not. They actually serve a completely different purpose and are only liked to be alienated by vegans.

Disturbing? For tender souls surely. If you showed me such videos, I don’t know if I could live now. (note: I have been a vegetarian since the toddler age and since the late childhood/early youth age vegan. That’s all…)

Needless? Maybe. Especially among physicians there are amazing many who like to help with certain things (a certain anatomical conditions remain so better in memory…)

Double-productive? Maybe. Could also lead to an early even stronger desensitization. Meat meal is considered “normal”. Children cannot really differentiate. So how is it supposed to be bad when all the others consider it “normal”? At best, respect for life (life-invaluable living) falls even further.

I doubt that a compulsion to see such docus would have the desired effect. Anyone who “uses” the docus for the changeover can view them privately. Those who find it interesting (without compromising) also. All others should not be forced to do so because the resulting processing methods can differ greatly.

2 years ago

Do not read my comment, and understand it. And again – I do not discuss the subject here.

2 years ago

These are only marginal cases which are cut together and appropriately “processed” effectively, and this in a repulsively sensational way. And only that is why I wrote my answer as it stands. I do not have to discuss or even evaluate the subject or the approaches in any way.

2 years ago

One can have an opinion, one cannot believe MUSS, and with whom I “argumentate” ….tja – you will not believe it, THAT is MY decision!

And your final sentence is an infame submission.

2 years ago

Too bad that you are not able to argue and thus capture in your world image, which does not allow external influences.

2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago

On the one hand, veganism is the healthier diet where fewer animals die. Finally, animals are also kept for cheese and eggs. In addition, animal feed is not particularly healthy for the animals and therefore for the consumer, and also much more animals die through the pesticides.

Contrary to the opinion of the representatives of the meat lobby here, docus like dominion or earthling are probably what you are looking for. They cover the truth in the world. Propaganda is probably cunning, as most of the meat is produced in such a way or so. If you want to have meat from “happy animals on the meadow”, a reduction is nevertheless the A and O. Fact is: Humanity generally eats too much meat.

If you are only concerned with health, the Doku “What The Health” is a starting point, which, however, also requires personal research. The meat lobby doubts many arguments. Some are indeed questionable, but not all those in criticism. Therefore, it is only a docue as the starting point.

2 years ago

Good decision, but I would like to ask you one thing:

Start with the “harmless” docuss – such as:

  • “Easy Vegan”,
  • “Fleisch eats people”,
  • “Gabel instead of scalpel” – or “Forks over Knifes”…

Save the really hard ones – such as

  • “Dominion” or
  • “Earthlings” for later on – you will need strong nerves to look at them until the end!

The vegan duo “Veganistungesund” has turned a whole series of great videos on the topic of veganism – preferably to the prejudices about it that gives rise to baptism…

Look over there, maybe…;)

If you also want tips for books, just let me know!

I wish you a lot of knowledge on your way – all good!

2 years ago

So at best extremely graphically and detailed so that I am motivated to go through this.

If you lack the motivation for a vegan diet, you should leave it.

Veganism is a philosophy and way of life that – as far as possible and practically feasible – to avoid all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or other purposes.

If you need a film to understand and remember this way of life and philosophy, you will never become a consistent vegan. So it’s better to stay with vegetarianism. It is the healthier and more healthy diet.


2 years ago

“Vegane Dokus” is basically not available. There are fanaticism-foaming anti-flesh movies. But that’s not a “document” but a refined commercial thing to beat everyone away from the flesh.

2 years ago
Reply to  Antimythos


2 years ago
Reply to  Antimythos

Bullshit! Dokus show images of reality, each docu naturally focusing on other aspects. This does not mean, however, that reality is misrepresented, but only that the viewer assumes a preselected way of viewing, which may simplify it, a different view or, respectively, to better understand the position of argumentation.

Thus, there are docus which, for example, address meat production. The “normal” docus are usually just about food production and processing. In the “vegan” docus, however, the focus is more on the cramped living conditions of the animals, the transport routes are laid, and it is also attempted to clarify what “death” really means (which many unfortunately cannot understand).

I would even raise the claim that “vegane” docuses are made by vegans for vegans (and not for omnivores). The average Omnivor is not really interested in this.

to knock each one off the meat.

Seems to work well All vegans were finally vegan because they were forced by others to look at “vegan” docus…^^

2 years ago
Reply to  Uswr1

I don’t argue with disputers who want to fight reality. End.

2 years ago

There is no docu over veganism. A film about mass animal husbandry and animal torture is not a documentary about veganism…but one-sided propaganda for indoctrination.

2 years ago

We feed the World

2 years ago

Why do you want to endanger your life by unhealthy malnutrition just because you’re so naive and think you’d have to protect food?

2 years ago
Reply to  wkeyer

Maybe ethics and morality for??

And perhaps also because the FS – obviously – does not have such prejudices…;)

2 years ago
Reply to  wkeyer

endanger by unhealthy malnutrition

Is that so? A diet without meat, fish and other animal products is the best:

According to the Adventist Health Study 2 vegan Adventists 16% less of cancer than meat-eating people:

All cancers9 (9)

[HR (95% CI)]

Vegan 0.84 (0.72, 0.99)

Lactoovovegetarian 0.93 (0.85, 1.02)

Pescovegetarian 0.88 (0.77, 1.01)

Semivegetarian 0.98 (0.82, 1.17)

Nonvegetarian Referent (1.0)

And even 62% more rare in diabetes:

Vegan: 0.38 (0.24, 0.62)

Lactoovovegetarian 0.62 (0.50, 0.76)

Pescovegetarian 0.88 0.79 (0.58, 1.09)

Semivegetarian 0.98 0.49 (0.31, 0.76)

Nonvegetarian Referent (1.0)


2 years ago
Reply to  Glocknom

My condolences if you really believe that

2 years ago

I think of scientifically sound results instead of subjective statements.