Vegan baking variety from Kaufland?
Maybe this is too much of a question, but does anyone know which vegan pastries at Kaufland are vegan? Thanks in advance.
LG pandro96
The French government has now banned terms like steak, schnitzel, or sausage from appearing on packaging for meat substitutes; these terms are now only permitted on packaging containing animal products. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this. Vegetarians and vegans are welcome.
Hello, I ordered 1.5 kg of ground beef for burgers yesterday, which I'll pick up today at 3 p.m. I'm planning to make the burgers with my friends around lunchtime tomorrow. My question to you: Will the fresh ground beef keep until tomorrow?
Hi, I want to take my self-propelled calf to the slaughterhouse soon and then market it myself. Since I don't have the farmer's paper in front of me at the moment, I wanted to ask what the current price per kg is. Are the slaughter costs included, or are they included in the price listed…
Hi, every time I drink a glass of milk, my stomach rumbles, and I have to go to the bathroom after an hour or two. I've already considered lactose intolerance, but I don't have that problem with cocoa, cheese (any kind), or cream. Does anyone have any idea what I might have and what I…
Is 10 euros reasonable for fried rice with egg and chicken and a drink at an Asian snack bar?
These two products are available at the purchase country near me:
With these products, I am not quite sure whether they are also available in the country of sale:
And if you ever see the Almondy Choco Delish, it’s great. I had bought it for some time now, but for a long time I don’t find it any more.
On Facebook there are different groups, where you can ask. You’ll probably get more answers than here. For example, in these groups:
I’ve seen some vegan marble and lemon cakes, vegan fruit cakes (deep-frozen) and vegan biscuits.
I don’t know how they taste, I always bake myself and for vegan friends also vegan cakes.