Vegan ohne abzunehmen?
Hey, Ich w/17 möchte unbedingt Vegan werden. Momentan bin ich ein “alles fresser”. Ich habe schon mehrmals vegane Esswaren gekauft und die schmeckten auch gut. Nur ich bin relativ dünn und möchte zunehmen. Ich habe Angst noch dünn er zu werden wenn ich auf Vegan wechseln würde, da ich ja jetzt als “alles fresserin” auch nicht zunehmen kann. Was glaubt ihr? Gibt es Chancen sogar besser zunehmen zu können wenn ich Vegan bin?
Danke im Voraus für eure Antworten:))
You can also easily increase with vegan diet. If I didn’t pay attention every day to how high my calories are you eating I would go completely apart. And that with a vegan diet without much fat and without constant replacement products.
Since I’ve been vegan, I’ve eaten much more than before. Eat now loosely for three people and must therefore pay great attention not to go apart and keep my weight.
Vegan consists not only of the substitute products, which have a lot of calories and vegetables. There are so many dishes that are in themselves highly calorie and if you feed three normal to larger portions of it then it can already strongly start with time. Especially because in vegan cuisine is often cooked with nussmus (but I use very rarely personally), saaten, kernels etc. And all this has a lot of calories.
It has always been a mystery to me why you think that you would automatically lose weight through vegan diet. Whether vegan or all-eating – this does not interest the calories included.
Decisive to not lose weight is that you eat enough calories. Vegan eating is not automatically low calorie, you will certainly have little difficulty coming to your calories. Only nuts that occur a lot in vegan cuisine (e.g. almond, etc.) provide many calories
Vegan food does not make thin, on the contrary, just substitute products contain so much garbage that they make ratzbatz thick.
Actually, it is easily possible to absorb enough energy with a vegan diet.
I think you might get a little trouble if you’re a lot on the go and have to go outside the house.
The problem is not really the available foods themselves, but at best the planning and organization (especially for on the go).
Fats, oils, nuts and seeds are among the most energy-rich foods and are vegan. With oils and nuts/seeds you can “enrich” many dishes, nuts are also a practical snack.
Basic foods such as noodles, rice, bulgur and other cereals, or pseudo cereals such as amaranth are also available. You can also get tired of these products. Then there are also legumes, vegan nibbles and sweets, vegan doughs even finished doughs.
If you deal with matter in depth, you will get it.
Information and recipes can be found here:
I advise you to adhere to a strict diet if you are already underweight.
Vegan diet has nothing to do with diet.
Wikipedia: SinceHippocratesis a special dietHuman Nutritionfor the longer term or permanently a special selection ofFoodis consumed. Where “diet” was understood not only as nutrition, but as the (healthy) way of life
Diet is any diet according to rules.
That’s not a strict diet.
However, vegan diet is not a diet. This is a lifestyle but does not guarantee a diet. Because a diet will stop at some point, but a vegan diet isn’t even done for a few weeks or months, and then it stops again, as I said, it’s a life setting where you usually stay and say rest of your life. In addition, in a diet you are also greatly reduced calories even in a vegan diet is not the case
vegan diet is a special diet and therefore a diet.
Since Hippocrates, a diet has been called a special diet of the human being, in which a special selection of food is consumed in the long term or permanently. Whilst “diet” was understood not only by diet, but the (healthy) way of life Wiki
It doesn’t fit the context of your answer.
So a good or lactose-free diet due to incompatibility is also a diet? I’m very keen to doubt. And just as a vegan diet is not a diet