Vegan oder nicht?
Ich persönlich esse für mein Leben gern Fleisch
Aber ich lebe auch auf dem Land und wir jagen selber dies bezüglich haben die Tiere auch ihr ganzes Leben in freier wildban gelebt
Hallo zusammen, Gestern hat meine Oma Spaghetti Bolognese gekocht. Das Hackfleisch gestern morgen noch eingefroren und dieses hat sie verwendet. Nachdem ich die Bolognese gegessen habe, hab ich von jetzt auf nachher direkt aufs Klo rennen müssen und hatte extrem Durchfall. Mein Vater meinte, dass ihm nach dem Mittagessen auch immer Mal wieder kurz übel…
Salmonellen sehr heftig bekommt und viele insekteneier dann im körper schlüpfen und dass alles in sehr schlimmen ausmaß. Man aber nicht zum arzt geht. Wird man dann innerlich aufgefressen? Todesursache? Vielen danke:)) natürlich hab ich keine salmonellen macht euch keine sorgen
Hab gerade wegen einer Challenge eine halbgekochte Kartoffel mit Schale gegessen. Jetzt kommt mein Kumpel und sagt mir dass das giftig war… Das stimmt nicht oder?
Kennt ihr Männer die Magersüchtig sind ? Ich habe bis jetzt immer nur Frauen kennengelernt die diese Krankheit haben. Und wieso kommt so etwas immer wieder bei Frauen vor.
Und waren die Pferde glücklich? Aus deutscher Haltung.
Ich bräuchte etwas zum Mittagessen was low Fat ist und gut für den Muskelaufbau mit ca 600 bis 700 kcal und es sollte kein Fleisch drin sein.
But with mind. No cheap meat from the discounter, less and more expensive meat (bio).
We in Germany eat too much meat anyway, so it is already unhealthy.
Man has the ability to balance his decisions. Human beings have the opportunity to decide to live low shoots like pleasure. Most people strive to be good and follow a moral compass.
Happily, from the point of view of most people, feeling beings (leave) are morally wrong. Especially if you could do without it completely, finally it is well possible to live very healthy vegan
Can I ask you what way you’re communicating here if you might use electronic devices? If so, it certainly contains copper.,a%20glatte%20Oberfl%C3%A4che%20zu%20.
It is not possible to completely avoid animal products. Just because plants are fertilized with animal products and I have to eat something.
Veganism means understanding that animals have just as much a right to life and physical integrity as humans. And therefore, as far as possible, the consumption of animal products is omitted.
But good that you (as I interpret the intention of your commentary) “have an electronic device” morally set to the same level as “eating the body of an individual that did not want to be killed”
The pure void is not easy to observe in veganism.
insult me as you want. I’m talking about the animals. Stop tormenting and killing them as long as you are able to do without it. And you can do without meat, milk, eggs, leather, fur, down, wool, silk and honey.
I mean, his comment was on me.
As I observe this not only on this issue, the commentator represents a very rigorous forced veganism that all people would have to do.
Of course, bone glue, leather and gelatin are currently by-products which are also obtained. One could significantly reduce the number of slaughtered animals, but there would still be enough of them. But if you were completely despised, there would be no more. So if you ask for complete veganism for everyone, then you should go ahead and do without it even with a good example.
I am omnivor myself. I’m trying to make my entire consumption behavior so that I can still look into the mirror. That also means, of course, that I consider the consumption of meat and other animal products below what is the average of Central Europe. And I respect the exact origin. Under these conditions, I thought it would even be counterproductive if all people were completely dispensed with products originating, for example, from pastures or wilds, because these are inevitably produced in an environmentally friendly way.
Do you really think that you judge from the same-minded position for all humanity, what is morally acceptable and what is not? In their triumphs, the Roman emperors always had a slave standing behind themselves on the car, who had to whisper something into their ears. Maybe you would do well…
The electronic device can also only exist if animals are slaughtered. You must own this device, I understand you. Does your divine permission extend to mortals like me? I don’t know.
At any rate, it seems clear that your divine commandment says that the meat that comes here cannot be eaten, right?
On the contrary, I criticize the “pure emptiness” in veganism, where nothing can be related to animals. No animal is slaughtered for gelatin or leather, because of copper.
I’m vegetarian, veganism is too dogmatic.
So I’m a vegetarian and therefore don’t eat meat (also no gelatin or animal lab). But I have absolutely no problem with people who consume meat. It’s not up to me to make people a bad conscience if they want to eat meat. 😂
Why are you vegetarians?
I’m just disgusting with meat.
I do not want to discuss this now. I totally understand your position and I’m sure you’re right. However, I will not argue with anonymous people on the Internet who do not know me, my health condition and my social origin etc. Discussing is quite sensual, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to start a discussion with people here, of which you don’t even know the age. I am a minor and I will not fight with adults for this reason.
I wish you a nice day!
But not before udder secretion?
Neee, vegan is nothing for me. Not only no fish and no meat,
no, no cheese, honey, eggs, milk, yoghurt, egg noodles, late zle (no egg does not go), oyster sauce for seasoning, …
For what a deity one must consider that one considers one’s own taste nerves to be more important than the life of others.
This is normally eaten Gundula that is the natural course of things
Just like you, vegans are in a bad light. Only their diets are the only true ones and the only right ones and all the others are murderers, animal tortures, and what else do I know? But with such boring thinking, no discussion is worthwhile.
You think you’re God forbiding others!
Shame on you!
To this end, one must not consider a God, but only be equipped with a common sense
They are delicious, important minerals etc.
To do this, I don’t eat bought meat only hunted by myself
I’ve been spending my evenings for weeks informing me… what do you think half of my contributions are pissed with sources? I talked to another user here than you and not specifically about hunting… I have no doubt that it is not possible to cause unnecessary suffering during hunting.
Nevertheless, “pain-free” does not allow to kill. In any case, not in people. Or can I kill people if I only make it painless?
What difference between human animals and non-human animals allows us to kill one?
Stay in your own world and believe what the media tell you but don’t get us the bag or inform you rightly
Sorry I wrote Gundula= and
I have described above specifically that the animals do not suffer “Quality” in addition, that is the first hunting law when you can cause unnecessary suffering that can cost between 100 and 2500 euros
And before you want to ban the right to a healthy diet as a so-called vegan, you should inform yourself before and not post the rest of the stupid mass.
You justify the killing of animals with the fact that humans and animals are not the same.
Yeah, people and animals aren’t the same.
But also children and adults are not the same.
Men and women are not the same.
There are medical treatment Differences between people of different origin.
Nonetheless, none of these differences between different people justify their killing! Finally, all people want to live, be happy and not have to experience pain or premature death.
What difference between humans and animals justifies to torture and kill animals?
But you do. And finally bye.
Yeah, I love cats.
No, I don’t think humans and animals are the same. Zb does not need any right to vote or freedom of expression, I do not think I need to explain why. However, this is not justification to respect one and kill the others. Otherwise you should also be children and mentally disabled kill those who have no right to vote.
I do not despise predators, because unlike you, they cannot make rational decisions and do not have the opportunity to choose a vegan diet.
You have commissioned and financed the choice between vegan or animal cruelty and animal murder.
Why do you decide for violence?
That’s why the question is if you love cats. You put humans and animals on the same level, so you should completely despise cats and other predators because they kill other animals. If you set animals to the same level as humans, then you also have to despise all predators just as it is morally absolutely unacceptable that they kill other animals.
That concludes the discussion for me and bye!
You seriously think cows would want to die? Cows that fight each other, yelling and shaking? Do you think any animal would exist at all if it hadn’t survived deep within itself? Why would cows want to die, even though you don’t want it yourself?
So I can morally kill someone who doesn’t want to die if it happens quickly and pain-free, aha. So you think I should kill you and your family as long as it is fast and pain-free?
There is no method of killing someone morally acceptable who does not want to die.
Especially since animals are neither killed quickly nor painlessly. every tenth animal is not properly stunned and witnesses his death skills with consciousness. That’s what you’re responsible for, for, that kind of death.
Did you ask the cow? Did you get an answer?
Your morality is only in your head! That’s Ponyhof Souvenir! You make your own rules.
Now I’m gonna be silly.
Short and as pain-free as possible.
Do you like cats?
How do you kill someone who doesn’t want to die morally?
If I had the place, I would keep animals (deaths, chickens, maybe also goats) free alive, only natural fed and slaughtered on large grounds and also myself. I didn’t. But hopefully if I’m retired and I migrated my wife.
How do you kill someone who doesn’t want to die morally?
I don’t finance animal torture. If you are properly informed, you can exclude it. If you eat more, you don’t get any stress meat.
There is not only black or white!
I’ve been there for stress-free battles!
The real world does not consist of emojis and Japanese comics!
A discussion is not worthwhile if you have no arguments. Don’t bother me if it’s so easy.
The animals in the animal industry are tolerated. You want to deny that?
750 million killed every year [Source]. In Germany alone. every tenth of them is misapproved and suffers death [Source]. Each fifth pig and beef that is born ends before the slaughter of diseases and injuries.[Source 1] [Source 2] And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
The animals are tortured and killed to serve the demand for meat and other animal products. So just because you and others buy these things. You want to deny that?
So you’re responsible for these things happening. You’ll order the animal murder by your purchases and finance the industry. You want to deny that?
From a moral point of view, it is as bad to commission a violent act as to carry out it. Or do you want to say that someone who pays a commissioner is a better person than a murderer?
I am against violence against individuals who feel suffering and pain. I’m trying to use for those who are completely defenseless.
Why do you finance animal cruelty?
We do not live 27 years ago and we do not live in a country where the clitoris is allowed to be cut.
You think you’re a god who wants to tell us what morality is.
Children’s stuff!
According to your profile, no orientation and martial!
Children’s stuff!
If something’s legal, it’s morally reasonable for you?
Until 27 years ago, rape in marriage was not considered a crime. So you think it was okay when men raped their wife?
In other parts of the world it is legal to mutilate small girls in the genital area, to remove them the clitoris or to sew the vagina partially. Do you think it’s okay that in some African countries almost all women are mutilated in genital?
I have arguments and evidence for my statements and therefore have no need to insult.
There are laws! There are no laws against the consumption of meat!
So what?
Then you must be a God and give new 10 commandments!
Sometimes I feel that the lack of animal food harms the brain. I don’t know if that’s true.
And you don’t want to forbid anyone?
You’d want someone to drown his cat?
You wouldn’t want to ban someone who’s poisoned dog bait in town?
You wouldn’t want to forbid someone to flee a dog?
And someone who wants to do violence to people would you not want to forbid it?
Why should a healthy mind give you the idea of making billions of human-like living beings hell and killing them if you could do without it completely?
Doesn’t it matter to you if there’s other fatalities?
I’m not a vegetarian.