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2 years ago

How expensive a vegan diet is, you cannot say in general. Just like you can’t say in general whether a mixed food is expensive or cheap. Because there are both cheap vegan dishes, as well as delicious mixes. The same applies to expensive food.

If you place vegan “replacement products” in the best cheap meat, you will of course pay more money. Compared to the purchase at the butcher or even at the breeder, vegan replacement products are not more expensive or even cheaper. (Interestingly, it is often the people who sneak over the high price of substitute products, which at the same time emphasize only to buy pasture meat.)

Nevertheless, it should also be stressed that the vegan substitute products will eventually be cheaper. They are much easier to produce in their production. They are only still expensive at the moment, because they are not taxed in their production & because they are not yet produced in such great dimensions. The more something is produced, the cheaper it gets. Since more and more people buy these products, they will also become cheaper or even have already become.

In restaurants it usually looks better for vegans/vegetarians, at least in terms of price. The vegan/vegetarian alternative costs either as much or is cheaper. The same applies to snack bars.

As far as everything else is concerned, it is important to buy regional & seasonal. Or whether we feed on organic products or not.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hunter982056

Perhaps this former answer from me will help you:

2 years ago
Reply to  Hunter982056

I can recommend you two very good books:

  • “Vegan Klische ade!” by Niko Rittenau
  • “Veganism Benefits and risks” by Claus Leitzman
2 years ago

Depends on WAS you buy. If you buy very many replacement products it becomes more expensive. However, if you don’t have this, it may even be cheaper than an omnivore diet.

I don’t pay more than I used to. I am still talking about TROTZ Vegan (and the general price increases) with my budget, which I have for the last 10 years (and this is just EUR 20-25 a week and sometimes even less).

And it also depends on the priorities you are focusing on. If you buy a lot more expensive in the organic shop, you buy it in the discounter or have the luck (as I can) to buy your vegetables directly at the farmer, you will also get cheaper.

2 years ago
Reply to  HikoKuraiko

It also depends on how the diet was assembled before and after. Statistically, this alone is a big point for an increase in price. ;

By the way, a full-fledged vegan diet does not mean that you just leave something.

2 years ago
Reply to  Johannax32

By the way, a full-fledged vegan diet does not mean that you just leave something.

That’s true. But more expensive it will not depend on what you buy

2 years ago

Simply live vegan is not more expensive.

Buy special (meat)replacement products is expensive. Because the food industry has got that you can earn a lot of money with cheaply producible exhalers.

2 years ago
Reply to  JayCeD

Because the food industry has got that you can earn a lot of money with cheaply producible exhalers.

This is not the main reason for the high price. Much more it is because not so many people still buy these products. The more something is bought, the more the price can go down. On the other hand, you should know that meat is taxed by the state, which does not apply to the vegan substitute products.

2 years ago
Reply to  Bodhgaya

For example, the production costs for oat milk are below those of milk, but it is sold more expensively. Just because people are ready to pay more money for it.

The same applies to vegan sausages. As long as it is paid more, it is also paid more expensive.

The VAT for meat is the same reduced rate as for all basic foods.

2 years ago

No, because more people still buy meat, like vegan substitutes. Otherwise, the Rügenwalder Mühle would also produce more of these substitute products.

In addition, your thesis does not explain why these replacement products will become noticeably cheaper from year to year. Actually, the price would have to go up.

2 years ago

The largest sausage manufacturer in Germany, Rügenwalder Mühle now sells more vegan or vegetarian sausages than classic sausages. According to your logic, the products would have to be cheaper. But don’t do it because there is no reason to waive the higher profit margin.

2 years ago

It is not about VAT when buying, but about manufacturing.

Just because people are ready to pay more money for it.

As I said, this is just a small reason. The main reason is that all this is missing a large market.

Imagine you need to bake for three people & get from any money. You will probably increase the price of the piece, as if you have to bake for 20 people.

2 years ago

No, it’s not more expensive, on the contrary. Teurer is only when you buy products labeled with “Vegan”.

Pasta, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. are vegan, without hype.

2 years ago

Do the term “vegan” with the term “purely planting”:

What is “pure herbal diet” from?

Of fruit, vegetables, legumes, cereals and pseudo cereals, of tofu, nuts, herbs (including wild herbs and fruits), of seeds, seeds, seeds and sprouts…

Consider that by far not all vegans are so-called. Nutritional products – on the contrary, they are often so-called. “Omnis” who want to distance themselves from their meat consumption (which I find extremely good) !

In addition, you should have in mind that the so-called “users” need a multiple of what a vegan needs to live – to (among others) her so-called. “Sleep weight” to reach!

Vegan is(s)t therefore possible – at a price which does not have to pay the weakest !

2 years ago

But not as much as you think. You’re counting on meat and animal products. The most expensive are milk and meat-acterative.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jaylon20

The milk is definitely right. I still find 2€ for the liter of oat milk too hard. Just when you look at how little oats are actually contained in the milk. Unfortunately, the other varieties are not different.

2 years ago

No, on the contrary.

2 years ago

Yes vegan products are expensive as it is only approx. 5 vegan farmers in Germany