Vegan im Kino?
was kann man Veganes im Kino essen?
Esse jeden Tag nh Tiefkühlpizza. Weil ich halt nicht kochen kann und meine Eltern meistens arbeiten. Ist das schlimm?
Ich habe mir letztens den Baumkuchen von der Marke Favorina gekauft. Ich bin mir aber nicht ganz sicher ob Gelatine darin ist wäre toll wenn ich mir weiterhelfen könnt
Habt ihr gute Punkte dazu, hab bis jetzt etwas zur Gesundheit, Tierhaltung genannt und werde noch etwas zur Ökologie erwähnen
Ich esse ganz selten nicht jeden Tag etwas scharfes schädigt es meinen Training beziehungsweise meine Muskelaufbau?
It depends on what’s in your cinema, but mostly popcorn, chips, nuts, rubber bears (does not have to say that there are vegans) but otherwise you just get something.
Popcorn, and even nachos with cheese sauce because the cheese analog cheese is therefore made from vegetable fat
If cheese sauce is on it, cheese must be on it. If this is not the case, the fraud and even criminal.
Nö, then stop Cheese and it’s already the way that they do in the supermarket (Chili Cheese Nuggets are Vegan)
Well, then there are regional differences that I have not vegetarian but vegan on the pack.
I already gave you the recommendation with the optician. There is definitely vegetarian. Logically, dairy products are not vegan.
No, there’s vegetarian. The label looks very similar, but it stands vegetarian on all packs🤦🏼 ♀️
There’s Vegan.
Then look at the pack, heaven again! Vegetarian, contains cheese.
By the way, the ingredients are also visible. Vegetarian, not vegan. Real cheese in it.
I’ve been lying here a pack
Then zoom up, it’s thick and fat VEGETARISCH. The only troll here is obviously you. Or you should contact the optician of your trust.
No Troll, there’s definitely Vegan
This is the seal for vegetarian…
That’s just not true.
Three examples from different shops all with the Vegan seal
If Cheese’s on it, cheese must be on it.
Chili Cheese Nuggets are not vegan.
Not with us, it’s analog cheese with us.
Then read the indication (which is available in the supermarket and even in the cinema), there is explicitly cheese with it, at least with us, where you would press analog cheese into the face of the cinema operators.
Popcorn, rubber streams, chocolate, nachos, pommes, peanuts, almonds etc.
Rubber bears are not vegan due to canned
Most of these days are already without Haribo Gibs who
A tube.
Popcorn is usually vegan
You could drink water.