Ich habe bei Aldi Schokolade von Moser Roth Geschmack Strawberry gesehen.Auf der Packung steht vegan.Was bedeutet das bei Schokolade?
Ich habe bei Aldi Schokolade von Moser Roth Geschmack Strawberry gesehen.Auf der Packung steht vegan.Was bedeutet das bei Schokolade?
hab jetzt einmal ausprobiert ist das gefährlich?
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Hold that she is vegan, so no animal products (e.g. milk) are in there.
Often there are milk substitute products like oat milk in there, but not always.
There are no, contempt here is a difference, products of tortured animals inside.
“Veganism is a philosophy and way of life,as far as possible and practically feasible– all forms of Exploitation and Atrocities to avoid animals for food, clothing or other purposes. …..”
(from Wikipedia)
or the good chocolate flavor cannot be produced without alpine milk. Then the vegan chocolate must be made with milk, and despite animal ingredients, it is considered vegan because it is not different.
The fact that no milk or other animal products to be found in chocolate are present.
Vegan = no products from animal
No milk (or other animal ingredients) in it… Vegan stop.
Don’t you know what vegan means?
I already know what vegan means and I like to eat chocolate.I was just not aware that there are also vegan varieties.I respect a lot,but this 200 gram Strawberry does not taste in the most remote for good Schoki.Hab that get given. 🙂
Cocoa, which makes chocolate, is a plant. Unfortunately it is often added milk, which makes it no longer vegan
As healthy and high-quality, dark high-percent tender chocolates are evaluated. Chocolates from 60% do not contain milk. This answers the often asked question:
Why does vegan chocolate come out without milk?
That’s what I mean.Thanks for your information.
That you’re vegan. So no milk or something in it
That no animal fats or dairy products are in it.
No animal products were used.