vdsl über diesen anschluss empfangen mit fritzbox?
Hallo ich bin umgezogen und wollte wissen ob ich mit einer fritzbox 7590 über diese anschlusse vdsl empfangen kann das sind normale lan büchsen daneben steht noch cat 6 würde mich über eine antwort freuen 😁
The connection to the right seems to lead to the APL.
This is to be connected to the FritzBox DSL socket.
Thank you for the help, and please do not consider the spelling mistakes of the question I was a little nervous.
Is the fritzbox 7590 the correct one?
Yes, this can be used for DSL.
The AX has additionally (internal faster) Wi-Fi 6, but this makes no difference for the usability at the DSL port.
Another last question I need a FritzBox 7590ax or a normal 7590
Then it would probably be difficult. Not everyone is able to create cables.
But don’t worry. The technicians usually leave this exactly as you need when commissioning.
If a normal lan cable doesn’t work what one do I use?
Probably yes.
It depends, however, on what was switched on on the other side.
There the pins 4/5, i.e. the blue pair, must be placed.
Hello again, does it radio when I connect the fritzbox with a normal lan cable?