vater verlässt mich?

was soll ich tun wenn der eigene vater abhaut sich nicht mehr meldet oder schreibt sich dann wieder meldet und so tut als wäre alles ok und dann wieder nach einiger zeit abhaut soll ich so tun wie vorher oder soll ich im die kalte schulter zeigen und was hat das überhaupt zu bedeuten das passiert immer nach einem streit und es kommt mir so vor aks ob er denkt das nur ich schuld bin.danke für eure antworten im vorraus

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1 year ago

Hey, so your father’s behavior is disrespectful and not pretentious. If you didn’t talk to him, I’d talk to him about it and tell him how you feel, and that makes you confused and sad. However, if he doesn’t change his behaviour and continues, I would show him the cold shoulder. Because at some point he will come back and try to restore your bond, I don’t know how much it hurts you right now, but if he hurts you right now with his behavior then show him the cold shoulder in the future, you have to learn completely without getting clear, even if it’s difficult. It’s best to show him what you’re doing without him, even if it’s hard to let him know what he’s losing/lost. Sometime, if he really wants to do it again, and you’re sure he’s serious, you can forgive him again or at least try. It’ll be a bit hard, but you can do that, so you can feel those fathers what they’ve done.
Hope could help you, good luck;)

1 year ago

You can’t answer such questions because you have to listen to both opinions here. We don’t know the whole situation.

1 year ago
Reply to  Angelo170

That’s what I mean.

1 year ago

If you grow up, you really don’t have to wonder if your father turns your back…. but that’s exactly what I had written up and guessed. Are always the other guilt… not true!

1 year ago

Even guilt, break the contact when it puts you down. No one’s going to keep her crying. I had stopped contact with my father for three years, so I can talk.