Vater schreit und beleidigt mich immer?

Hallo, seitdem ich klein bin schreit mein Vater immer wieder und erniedrigt oder beleidigt, etwas später sind wir weggezogen. Aber ich besuche ihn jede Woche und er schreit meistens oder sagt erniedrigende Sachen aber er macht viel für mich. Normalerweise halte ich viel aus aber wenn er mich anschreit, Halte ich das manchmal nicht aus und weine fast. Wo kann ich mir Rat suchen oder habt ihr Hilfe für mich.

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1 year ago

I would appeal to him at your point and if he doesn’t talk to himself, it would greatly reduce or even break off the contact. If you don’t feel good, you can also talk to friends about it, that often helps. If you want to find help, you can do this, for example, with the number against grief:(

1 year ago

Ohhhh, I know that. My father was an alcoholic and always cried to me because I was the older of two sons. With just two years, I came to my grandparents to South Saxony, where I grew up on a farm. In 2010 my father died with only 62 years and I don’t even know where he was buried. But honestly, I don’t want to know. What do I want to give to the children who are affected? Get help in any case. Pick up the person of your trust, teacher, doctor, etc. That is really bad when you are alone in such a situation.

1 year ago

Police? Or ask your mother?