Vater hustet Blut?
Moin erstmal.
Mein Vater war Anfang des Jahres etwas länger krank und der Artzt meinte es sei eine Lungenentzündung. Seitdem ist mein Vater immer wieder Krank ( viel öfter als früher, damals ein paar mal max pro jahr). Letztens ist er wieder zum Artzt gefahren und der meinte er habe immernoch/wieder (ich weiß es nicht) eine Lungenentzündung. Ja ok, er hat Medikamente bekommen, aber die haben (scheinbar?) nichts gebracht. Jetzt seit ungefähr Montag hat er angefangen Blut zu husten und er hat mir vorhin gesagt das er Stücke/Blutstücke hustet? Jetzt meinte ich das wir unbedingt zum Notartzt sollten, weil der Hausartzt immer das selbe sagt. Jetzt will mein Vater aber nicht, weil meine Schwester die Tage Geburtstag hat. Was soll ich machen und kann mir jemand ein wenig expertise geben? Ich hoffe man kann mit meiner Frage was anfangen und ich bedanke und freue mich über jede Antwort.
Your father is seriously ill – health is going on! If he spits blood, he should go to the hospital right now! Call the doctor, he’ll call him. In blood coughs it can be that he has tuberculosis – then he has to quarantine!
Besides, he shouldn’t be on a birthday party with such an infect, otherwise he’ll put all the others in.
Tuberculosis is a strong word. What does blood spit on you?
If blood comes out at the cough, you spit it out.
Blood coughing is not to take on the light shoulder and he should be SOFORT to the doctor. He probably took this as an excuse because he himself is afraid of the diagnosis, but rather went in time and what was done about it than just falling dead.
Blood coughed earlier was a typical sign of an open tuberculosis, where there is an acute risk of infection for the whole environment, because the pathogens naturally come out with the blood. When “brokens” come out which are bloody, however, a heavy bronchitis can also be the case where the slime can be mixed with blood, because slime tissue sometimes develops its own blood vessels when it is too long in it. Or even lung cancer, it can develop rapidly. Either way, send him to the hospital for a clear diagnosis.
All right, my father told me that the arst said it was a bronchitis. The drugs didn’t help my father meant and it could have developed into a heavy one. He also said it was a pink blood. Does that sound logical?
Logisch is not the same as confirmed, and from a heavy bronchitis can become quite a new pneumonia. If there’s blood coming, there’s a more accurate investigation, so consult another doctor.
If it is really just bronchitis, the cure can be assisted with natural antibiotics, which are especially horseradish (the hot one from the supermarket), onions, ginger, mustard, chili, curry and all that makes “sharf”, as well as enzymes from the pharmacy or fresh juice of pineapple, which also contains the enzymes that promote self-healing and activate the immune system. Above all, horseradish is known for eating everything out, slandering and the pathogens that hide in it. Sushi with Wasabi (the green horseradish) or delicious cuts with horseradish on it or delicious bratwurst with it, it does not have to be much at all, but regularly with acute slimming.
he should be quickly transferred to a lung specialist!
One thing you can’t change if your father doesn’t want. Alleridngs should be employed by the doctor and instruct him to reflect lungs. That should be looked at.
But of course this is only possible if the patient wants. You can’t force him.
If he has tuberculosis, the epidemic law provides that he comes to quarantine!
This diagnosis should first be made. There’s no man yet.
My father has often said he needs a lung control. But the arst denied it and said it was just pneumonia.
Then he would change the doctor or be able to issue the transfer anyway.
No, in blood ejection, tuberculosis is not the first idea.
In blood ejection, this is obvious…
As soon as possible to the hospital!
Could be that he doesn’t experience your sister’s birthday anymore!
Your father should contact his HAusarzt and insist on a transfer to the specialist.