Vater eingeschnappt weil?
Mein Vater(70) ist sauer wenn ich ( Mitte 30)ihn 3-5 WhatsApp schreibe und frage ob alles ok ist oder wie es ihn geht wenn er krank ist. Nun, habe ich das selbe gestern zu ihn auch gesagt. Ich bin jetzt auch erkältet und dann fragt mich zweimal wie es mir geht und ist dann sauer und eingeschnappt, wenn ich das selbe sage wie er das ich ihn blockiere, wenn er nochmal nervt. Ich halte ihn nur den Spiegel vor dem Kopf. Außerdem habe ich heute Geburtstag und früher hat er immer Punkt null Uhr gratuliert und nun ist er aber eingeschnappt und wird es erst im Laufe des Tages machen. Furchtbar manche Eltern
How can two adults be such child heads – shame on you
What I find very bad is what he said last few days. We were with the bank and I owed him money. Then he said, take off 100,-€ from that is your birthday present, so on Monday I don’t have to come to your birthday today, because I’m going straight to Poland otherwise it’ll be too stressful to me and then ask (so I) all the time when you come? That made me sad, because first he said he’ll come over and bring me a card with 100€. Now he has decided and said the card gives later and the 100€ you can already have, then I don’t have to come on Monday and I’m not that hectic for me.
My God, he’s 70. Let Milde rule.
You’re both horrible… The apple didn’t fall far from the trunk.
Smiling at a very high level.
30 years, you’re probably not gonna have to bear that anymore.
I can’t find kids like you.
But seriously, you obviously never found a normal way of dealing. Too bad.
It’s not up to me, because I don’t have kids and I don’t know what I’m going to deal with. When he was sick, I couldn’t help him here and there or accompany him to the doctor. Then I’ll tell you, don’t make me a victim or I’ll lock you up. My parents both have to have a thing on the waffle, because otherwise something would have happened to me. Associal they are not, because chic and clean apartment, we had chic clothes and my parents and eating there was always and gifts, but giving the children a decent thing without being caught in the same way or on 180 have not both made it. Sad!
What I find very bad is what he said last few days. We were with the bank and I owed him money. Then he said, take off 100,-€ from that is your birthday present, so on Monday I don’t have to come to your birthday today, because I’m going straight to Poland otherwise it’ll be too stressful to me and then ask (so I) all the time when you come? That made me sad, because first he said he’ll come over and bring me a card with 100€. Now he has decided and said the card gives later and the 100€ you can already have, then I don’t have to come on Monday and I’m not that hectic for me.
Don’t you want to grow up?
Fearfully some children. With everything you give about your father and your parents.
How’s his prostate?