Vater bezieht Bürgergeld wie viel Geld bleibt über beim Job?
Moin ich habe einen Job wo ich 1.8 Netto verdiene und lebe mit meiner Familie. Mein Vater bezieht Bürgergeld und wollte Fragen ob sich wer hier auskennt und mir eventuell sagen kann was an Geld mir alles abgezogen wird
The net income will no longer be entitled to benefits from the job center for you, as it does not matter whether you are under or above 25.
Then you pay from your net income your head share from warm rental and discount for normal household electricity and make with your parents an appropriate meal for food and care or do it yourself.
What remains must not be counted on the needs of other people in the household if you do not manage together.
How to survive at 1800? there has to be 1000 euro civic money as a support
For the net earnings mentioned, you could be dispensed with by the community of needs.
Not only could!
Even if the child was already 25 and would form his own BG community in the household of parents, net income would no longer be entitled to an increase at 1800 euros.
For if the net income is the max. Free allowance for earning income according to Clause 11 b SGB – ll of rounded 350 Euro and the full standard requirement for living at present max. 563 euros, one would have a balance of around 887 euros.
They would then be for the head part of the warm rental and so high can not fail for a person, even in Munich, not at least in the civil money cover.
Then you already have the amount you get 🤷 ♂️
Taxes, social security is all on your payroll and is deducted from the gross wage.
If you are over 18, you can leave the community of needs.
Then, of course, you have to take over your per capita share of rent, and pay for your own meals.
An age of 18 has nothing to do with it.
As soon as he can provide his own maintenance, the exit is possible.
The age does not matter here as soon as a child, whether at a minimum or full-year but under 25 years of age, can cover his living with parents from his own calculable income, it is out of the BG community of parents’ needs.
Yeah, but not 18 years.