Vater beleidigt mich aber sagt es ist nur Spaß?
Mein Vater (70) sagt oft zu mir, ich (33) hätte nie gedacht das ich so eine dumme Tochter habe die Leitungswasser im Kopf hat. Das verletzt natürlich sehr, dann sagt er mein Gott das ist Spaß sagt man so. Ich nehme es ernst, aber wehe ich sage ihm er ist so doof, weil er manchmal nicht versteht was ich sage, wenn ich mich mal wieder doof verständige, dann ist er sowas von beleidigt und spricht kein Wort mehr mit mir.
I’d confide: Why are you wondering? You’re the father and you should know what you caused.
Tip for your father: fun is, by the way, a spell that both can laugh about.
I’d definitely distance myself.
Yes is my father and he is so lonely. But always this caught liver sausage. He said I ruined him his Christmas. It started in his car. There we drove past a field, so I meant to look at him once here I was on the poppy field and did the video I uploaded to WhatsApp 2 days ago. Then he shaves out and says what kind of video and what poppy field? He didn’t know what a poppy field was. I said these red flowers I ran through there and I had uploaded this video to WhatsApp and you looked at it. Then we argue he still understands nothing and I just say Video WhatsApp poppy field. Then I’ll tell Papa I can’t do anything you’re so stupid. Because of this, we rust out and then he claims I can’t really express myself, etc. And that’s how the fight begins at Christmas. When I put him in a doof several times, he goes out and says we don’t eat anymore and never go back to Christmas and he’s going to the restaurant, but for 3 hours he doesn’t speak a single word with me and hasn’t taken a picture there and was really caught and there was no single word in the restaurant. People thought we were dumb. It makes me sad and I have no contact with my mother, but for other reasons. Do you want me to go to my father, the 70’s out of contact? He’s currently so fast caught liver sausage. I can understand the last few months were not easy because he got a prostate cancer diagnosis and in the end nothing came out with the biopsy. But he used to be fast to 180. It’s a little bit when we go for a walk, I’m supposed to make the jacket because it’s cold, but I’m gonna say it’s warm and please let me go around like that. I’m 33!
The next time, you’ll say, “Tja Papa, the apple is not far from the trunk.”
That’s right
That’s your father, he’s allowed
Be polite and respectful to him
Whoever behaves as such has earned no respect.
Just because he’s the father, he doesn’t have to behave like that.
He is the father who deserves respect
I’ll turn your statement into the rest of the garbage because it’s not recyclable.
No respect for parents 🤷
I’m 33 and I have my own life, I don’t have to listen to your bad mood and do everything he wants. The worst thing is, he’s freaking out for little things.
And if your child calls you stupid all the time? That would be respectful? You just have something against fathers.
For the first time, the parents should respect their children.
Then it works with mutual respect.
This person may be the producer. But he didn’t automatically deserve respect for it.
Absolutely nonsense. I am a mother and if I were dealing with my son like the father with her, then I would say with my own mouth that he is right to all with this kind no longer to respect. Family only works with GEGENSEITIGEM respect. Being mad is normal for that you must have understanding but definitely not as a permanent state
This is a mistake, respect is neither congenital nor commercial. The efforts of parents are honoured with respect and love. If a father degrades his own flesh and blood, discredited or even betrayed, he has forfeited respect. No one respects a parent who abandons his children. There is no self-evidentness, this is only thoughtless jelly.
The parents who raised you must not “deserve”.
Respect should be of course
You have to earn respect. The father has forfeited his due respect. Who doesn’t see it goes blindly through life.
Honestly, try to ignore it first, if it’s not enough, just stand out and say your opinion!
Cancels contact
That’s my father, and you can’t just stop contact like that. I already reduce it because eating is not fun, then he says with you it’s not fun, but I’m not doing anything. Now at Christmas we were eating among people and when I wanted to take a picture of him, I just told Dad laugh at Christmas, just when I took a picture at Christmas, I want him to laugh. He trembled out like that, and he blew away and is not hungry again if you criticize me. Krass, right? What about me? If someone tells me a little bit, I won’t run out and I’ll try. He’s on 180 for so little things. That’s my father I love him, but I can’t eat or sit in his car.
Yes, you can cancel the contact and stand for you.
This man just pulls you down emotionally.
He should paint his mirror image.
Your father should read again the meaning of the term “passion”.
Tell him that his genes have contributed their part and distance yourself from him.