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2 months ago

Do you have to consider something?


You’re the importer! As an importer, you have to ensure that the products comply with EU directives. Here especially the EU-TPD3!
If that’s not done, it’ll be expensive for you.

In addition, as an importer for the products, you have to apply for an authorisation that you only get when the products comply with EU-TPD3. No admission = no sale!
In addition, as an importer, you must comply with the mandatory blocking period after delivery. 6 months no sale, no transfer to others and also NO own consumption!

As an importer, you also have to make sure that the prescribed prints are applied. This includes the name and address of the importer and all warning signs required in the EU!

You have to deduct the tobacco tax for the products in customs in addition to the import turnover tax and the customs fees (e.g. € 0.20 per ml of liquid!)

And if you have paid all fees and taxes on customs and cannot prove admission -> with a bit of bad luck you can watch your products migrate into destruction.