vape pen?

vape seid nem jahr schon, aber nur diese vape pens das sind diese die z.b 2000 züge haben und wenn die verbraucht sind kann man die weg schmeißen und da ist ja auch eine batterie drinne aber wird die eigentlich auch benutzt wenn man nicht zieht?

und meine hier gerade hat 950mah wie lange denkt ihr hält die noch?(habe die jetzt seid letzte woche und bin überrascht das die noch nicht leer ist)

und kann man mit der auch solche tricks machen oder geht das nur mit richtigen vapes/e zigaretten? was sind die leichtesten tricks die ich lernen kann?

das einzige was ich kann ist der waterfall :/

wisst ihr wo man richtige vapes herkriegt? hab kein bock alle paar tage neue zu kaufen 🤣

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2 years ago

Ghost and French Inhale are definitely good to learn. After that you can try rings even though I don’t know if the smoke is enough.

You get the right Vapes either online (introduction kits even have some really good on Amazon) or in the shop of your trust. However, there is also a corresponding price. But if you pay, you’ll never touch these one-time vapes again if you have a right thing:)


2 years ago

these are the 2000 trains

these are the ones that are not legal in the EU, as more than 2ml of liquid must be included for 2000 trains and the maximum amount of liquid is legally limited to 2ml for one-way devices. You can forget more than 600 trains.

and if they are consumed you can throw away

Yeah, in the special garbage. Because there they belong properly disposed of. There’s nothing to look for in the house garbage.

there is also a battery in there, but is it actually used when you don’t pull?

right, that’s why it’s special waste.
No, it’s not used if you don’t pull it. The batteries (there are no batteries!) are still discharged with time itself. No battery and no battery will keep its charge forever. A certain creep current is always present. Particularly in the case of devices that cannot be switched off and therefore are permanently switched on and are waiting for the triggering of the automatic train.

and you can make such tricks with

What tricks?

The best trick is to get rid of these disposable things and not to be one of the millions of sheepheads that cause unnecessary garbage. Already 2-3 of these parts cost as much as a decent multi-way device, which causes much less waste and whose battery can be recharged and the tank can be refilled.

do you know where to get real vapes?

Steamer shops. There are also professional advice so you don’t buy a device from which you are subsequently disappointed. The device should fit you and your steam style as well as train behavior, otherwise you can better give it to yourself.