Vampire diaris alarics tot?
ich habe grade folge 22 staffel 3 von dvd geguckt in der Alaric stirbt aber er kriegt ja später noch Kinder heiratet usw auserdem ist er ja noch in Legacies welches nach dvd statt findet also wie kann das sein.
Ich will sehen wie wer lacht, das wird auf Youtube immer rausgeschnitten, aber ich habe kein Prime und wills mir auch sicher nicht nur für diesen einen Zweck kaufen, da es zu teuer ist.
Hi, ich gucke gerade zum zweiten Mal Grey’s Anatomy und habe mich gefragt wann Lexie Grey das erste mal vorkommt? (Sie ist meine absolute Lieblingsfigur)
Wieso fühle mich Wohl oder Geborgen wenn ich solche sachen wie Caillou , Disneys Grosse Pause oder Spongebob schaue? besonders bei der Serie Caillou! bin übrigens 34 m irgendwie sind solche serien immer so liebevoll gemacht , und eine gute ablenkung oder flucht vor der brutalen realen welt! die kaltherzig ist
Bei welcher Folge seid ihr und wie gefällt es euch bisher?
Bei 2:50 zu sehen.
Wait a minute. Takes until the end of the sixth season until it clears. But how this is done you will only learn. 😉
I was also confused, but if you watched the originals, the legacy and vampires diaries, you understand everything
You really want to spoil this now? Just keep looking, it’s getting loose.
Had it looked through the last year but did not understand it until today
You can understand. Many of my friends have not understood
Hello Lisa0198!
Alarics History The Vampire Diaries is actually complicated, and the serial uses often magic to bring back characters!
Here’s how Alaric works:
• Staffel 3, Episode 22:
Alaric dies and becomes a spirit, but remains through the “other side” in the world of the living and can be seen as a spirit!
• Staffel 5:
The “other side” decays, and Alaric returns to life with the help of a magical crack, now as an “original” vampire!
He lives again as a vampire, but later in Staffel 6 he is made human again by the magical structure in Mystic Falls!
• Staffel 6:
Alaric falls in love with Jo, and the two expect twins!
But Jo dies tragically on her wedding day!
A magical ritual will save her pregnancy and transfer the twins to Caroline Forbes, which brings Alarics children to the world!
These twins are Lizzie and Josie!
• Legacies:
Alaric occurs as head of the Salvatore School and raises his daughters Lizzie and Josie! This series plays several years after The Vampire Diaries and shows Alaric as an important mentor for supernatural children and young people!
By combining magic and rebuilding the “other side” Alaric can return to life and have a family, what its later role in Legacies possible!
I hope I can answer your question!