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In my opinion, one should always prefer a vaginal birth. In vaginal birth one has pain during birth, but after being released is usually pain-free.
In the cesarean section you have no pain during the birth, but then you have pain. In addition, the scar then needs a time to heal. In addition, there is a risk of pregnancy for every further pregnancy.
That’s not true.
The risk pregnancy is wrong.
It is correct that the probability of certain complications in the subsequent pregnancy is increased in condition after sectio (e.g. Plazenta accreta, Plazenta praevia, rupture of the womb).
A medically unnecessary imperial section has no advantage over vaginal birth.
At the most, it could be said that the basin floor is loaded a little less, which ultimately plays no major role (unless there are risk factors). Either way, the woman was pregnant for nine months and the pelvic floor was loaded accordingly.
Sure, you are not lying (in the planned imperial section) for hours in labor and the birth itself is painless and quickly over.
The pain after that is not to be underestimated and they last much longer. According to a study, the imperial section is 9 out of 179 standard surgical interventions as regards pain sensation on the first day post-op. In the standard gynecological operations, the imperial section is even in place 1 as regards pain.
After imperial cut, significantly fewer mothers are breastfeeding than after a vaginal birth, even if they really wanted to, because according to the imperial cut there are various factors that make breastfeeding difficult (e.g. delayed milk injection, pain due to the imperial cut scar, …)
Maybe I should add that usually a vaginal birth for the child is also better. Kaiserschnittbabys have more adjustment difficulties and get significantly more frequent allergies, eczema, asthma or metabolic disorders.
Isn’t an operation like the imperial section. That’s why I’d say better.
In many matters better and associated with less pain.