Vagina brennt und extremer Hardrang?
Hallo Community,
vor einer Woche habe ich bei meine Freunde übernachtet und wir sind intim geworden. Es kam nicht zu Sex, aber dazu dass er mich gefingert hat (nicht das erste Mal und die letzten Male war es nicht so).
Ich war noch etwas trocken und ohne seine Finger nass zu machen hat er damit angefangen in mich einzudringen. Zunächst war alles gut, aber einen Tag später hatte ich schreckliches Brennen. Das Brennen hält 5 Tage später immer noch und ab und zu blute ich aus meiner Scheide.
Ich wollte zum Frauenarzt gehen, allerdings sagte die Frau am Telefon, dass momentan einer Untersuchung nur mit Termin möglich ist und der nächste Termin wäre im April.
Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit sowas gemacht und wenn ja, was ist das und wie bekomme ich das ekelhafte Brennen in den Griff?
If you were still too dry, it can be that you got slight injuries. They are not noticed due to the fact that they are only very light, but as a result the danger rises, for example, to attract an infection or a fungus.
Even if his fingers were not freshly washed, there were also more germs that are harmless on one hand, but do not belong to a vagina.
Talk to your partner that he shouldn’t do this again. Only penetrate, whether with penis or finger, when you are moist. For this he excites you either otherwise enough before or you use gliding gel, for example, if you like it from the beginning.
Call at 116117, this is the medical care service and tell your sympthome exactly and that your female doctor has a date only in several months. They will then tell you if you are to use a free-sale remedy from the apotheke or directly to the doctor and which female doctor may take patients with acute complaints at short notice.
By all means, you can call your women’s doctor again, clarifying the urgency due to acute complaints and ask if there is no short term for people with complaints.
I think that either bacteria have come into your urethra and you now have bladder infection, or that now everything is really irritated by the dryness. You can also go to the clinic for her gynecology. Or you look at another doctor on the internet. It must be treated. Turn to the 116117 which will help you further ♥️
Probably you have a fungal infection. Go to the family doctor.