USV Hub/Port Verteiler jeden den ich ausprobiere am PC macht Probleme mit oder ohne Strom?
Ich habe mit verschiednen Hubs/verteiler an meinem 1 jahr alten Rechner immer das Problem-egal ob mit oder ohne Strom das entweder der Verteiler erst gar nicht erkannt wird oder wenn ja meine weiteren USB szicks oder Platten erst gar nicht erkannt werden und bei dieser PC erst gar nicht erscheinen? Woran liegt das?doch nicht etwa an mir? irgendwas läuft da falsch… jemand Tipps?
Hmm the potential problem could be:
Are we talking about a laptop or a real tower PC? And if it is a Tower PC, do you use a USB port on the front of the PC or one on the back?
It’s easy to check. Plug the cable from your mouse and plug the USB hub in exactly this connection. Then put the mouse in the USB hub.
If the mouse works, then the stroke is fine.
Does your USB stick dip when you plug it directly (i.e. without stroke) into the USB port? Ggf should try this on a USB port on the back of the computer (if it is a tower PC).
I have no wires with usb
the back are all covered with printer and keyboard
front 2 usb
This isn’t super bad. To be able to fix this, I would have to see a picture from the inside of your computer so that I can highlight which plug you need to check.
But before that, I would like to exclude that the problem is not another.
hmmh ok
The connections at the front to PC are connected to the main board in the computer only via a cable. This can also be loosened, for example, by transport (for example from purchase)
yes I need to hang a printer sowiso that I don’t use but 1 year old that can’t be
This cable also ends in a USB port if your mouse is not just over 20 years old.
I was afraid.
Good to try if your USB stick is detected and if the USB hub works you will be able to dispense with a device like the printer.
My greater fear is now that the connections at the front of your PC do not work.
List the hardware of your PC system on also the exact identification of your power supply,so manufacturer,power /model