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2 years ago

As long as you do not claim that the bike has cost more, it is not forbidden. When you do that often, it’s a business. Wucher isn’t that, because an emergency situation has to be exploited, e.g. 1 liter of water for 5€.

3 years ago

In a specific framework, this is quite allowed.

It must not be sold under false facts.

Once cost sum x and is now sold only for y. If you’re cheating, it’s fast in the area of fraud.

3 years ago

You can sell the arithmetic for the price you would have, but if you get it then is another thing.

This happens in many things that it is bought cheaply and then sold for twice/three times. e.g. if there are exclusive sports shoes or the like again, there are many buy a pair only to sell it later more expensive.

3 years ago

If you find a dussel who pays more for it…he doesn’t have to buy it- is all right

3 years ago

It’s not illegal if you do it often, but it’s getting commercial.

I’m thinking about this, ALDI’s promotional goods. They had sold out this overheat grill within 20 minutes – and then immediately showed up at twice the price on eBay.

3 years ago

Yes, if you find one who pays it – call themselves free market economy