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Hello people:P


Small Vorinfo: ❗️❗️❗️❗️

I'm just psychic in a not so good condition, which is why I often have other things in my head, or with regard to medium-heavy depression, I honestly don't really have motivation to write a lot here. In short, I'm not very active right now, so it can be that I answer to messages or answers only months later, please don't blame me...


About me:

I am Pansexual 🏳️ 🌈

I am Trans Ftm 🏳️

I am interested in planets 🚀

I am mentally ill ‡

I only accept numbers in very special cases. But actually not. I also do not send pictures, that applies to everyone for data protection reasons. This has nothing to do with the person.


I always like to accept, even without justification. You guys are nice and don't fuck. I also like to get in touch with other transpersons or people with mental illnesses. Don't have to be compelling. And as I said, you have to deal with it if I don't answer...

Friends I owe an answer / was:

Jake7xvnfan, Kaitod58xxz6, LisaMaria56, Panda 2020

Friends of whom I haven't heard for a long time and they miss:

Kari750, Gerry0528, mountain lover, andy0707, xMikax747, Thghc, Sumiiii,

People I would like to contact:

PmMeYouCactus, EvanTP, anOonyyyym, StimmpeifeLXIX, Midnight111, Biker0713, PinoSpace

Old friends / acquaintances:

Milkysweet, Kevin61362, AmazingLasagna, laura055403, Lorin25, LisaMaria56, Qwerty956, etc.

And whoever wonders if I'm not there for a while, as mentioned above.

Best regards:D

PS: Never forget: You are good as you are, and don't let anyone tell you anything else.

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