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Hello, this is my profile. Feel free to look around. I've already filled it up quite a bit.

A little riddle to get you started:

I'm an animal that loves to laugh

In the water, I play day and night

With my for so soft and dense

Who do you think I am? Can't you guess?

-well, the solution is obvious anyway.

My moths (what's the plural of motto? Never mind:

As long as it's fun, I don't care what the point is.

Otter inside feelin so alive.

May we live long and die out.

Being normal is for people who are too uncreative to be themselves.

About me:

Species: Human (but an otter in spirit)

Age: Currently 16, but changes from time to time. Haven't settled on one yet.

(So. Only stuff from here on interesting)

Favorite animals: Otter (logically), (actually I like almost all animals, but these are the best. The animal I like least is humans.)

Favorite plants: willow (doesn't matter which one. They're great) and silver birch (very similar)

Favorite mushroom: Aseroe Rubra (aka Starfish Stinkhorn)

Favorite lichen I don't have one, don't know anything about it.

Favorite microorganism: Cholera bacteria (they're so cute)

Religion: I call it Apeirotheism myself (no idea if that term really exists) Anyway, I believe in ALL gods and in an infinite number of gods. I believe every religion is true (including atheism).

Maybe I'll think of something else to write here at some point.

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This user has not added any information to their profile yet.

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