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I am a cyber security expert and software developer. Commonly known as a "hacker". Strictly speaking, I'm a penetration tester. It's not as perverted as it sounds. 😉 With 25 years of experience in this field. I am therefore an active CTF (Capture the flag) player on tryhackme and have rank 38/ approx. 2,000,000 there. So far, around 6500 systems/networks have not been distract to withstand me. Rare in Germany but we exist. 😅

I like to help people with IT problems of all kinds. Whether software, hardware, networks/internet, programming (C,C++,Java, webstack, python, Julia, Ruby, Bash and much more) or of course security cyber.

I was involved in the e-sports scene (Cs, overwatch) until I got old,Lol. That's why gaming is a big field of my interest.</p

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